
He can safely use CCA for raised beds, the greatest risk being the construction 
phase, not growing food phase.  

It is my understanding that it is never safe to touch PT wood. I have wiped PT 
wood of all ages with rags and with my bare fingers, and the arsenate 
consistently comes off. Hence the national attention brought to its use in 
playgrounds where children are constantly touching the structures in their play.

Another issue I rarely hear brought up with this kind of thing is questioning 
the industry itself. What kind of waste is the PT wood industry putting into 
water ways and landfills and air? Do I want my dollars supporting that?

I am ever-wary of descriptions of how to use toxic chemicals "safely." DDT is 
persistent in our soils from its use in the 1950s, and it was deemed "safe."

Sadly, we are all compromised by chemicals and the "conveniences" they bring 
us. I imagine the list of toxic things that are a part of my daily life is 
pretty damn long, including this nifty computer I'm working on, and the fossil 
fuel truck that got me to work today. The caulk around my tub, the paint on my 
home, the rubber soles of my shoes, the nice finish on my hardwood floors...

And given that, I do my best to be constantly vigilant about the choices I make 
and their consequences. Any one less toxic item I make use of, the better.

It seems we have been choosing to be unaware of the consequences of our 
choices, on this planet, and in this world. It seems unawareness isn't working 
very well.

"Don't go back to sleep." 

- Rumi

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