CG from WestportNOw. 

April 16, 2004
Community Correspondent Report: Gardeners Organize
(Editor's Note: With the report below, WestportNow launches its new 
"community correspondent" program in which we encourage Westport residents to 
news reports to WestportNow. The views expressed or implied, if any, are the 
sole responsibility of the contributing correspondent.)

By Juliet Balian
WestportNow Community Correspondent
More than 20 Westporters met Thursday night with Community Garden organizers 
Tor Spore and Cris Singer to sign up for the long-promised community garden 
It's not Westport 's Community Garden…but one day ours could be like this. 
Contributed photo 
Meeting at the Westport Public Library, the attendees approved the group's 
mission statement and rules and regulations for gardening at the community 
when and if they become available.
The Westport Community gardens were displaced four years ago from the Wakeman 
Farm and since then have been waiting for a new place to plant their roots. 
Westport First Selectwoman Diane G. Farrell, an advocate for the gardens, has 
promised on numerous occasions to find the gardens a home. 

And finally, the dream seems to be nearing reality. Part of the town-acquired 
Jaeger property adjoining Long Lots Elementary School is slated for community 
gardens -- that is if the Parks and Rec Department does not use the land for 
playing fields. 
Gardeners, like other town constituents, are fighting for fair access to 
public lands and resources. 
Residents seeking passive use of public lands, like gardening or walking with 
their dog, ask for very little in comparison to those engaging in inactive 
uses of public lands like golfers, or soccer players. 
Tax dollars from passive land users support the golfers, boaters, and 
skaters, but when it comes to getting a small share of parks' resources, there 
is a 
The future of community gardens in Westport is unclear despite the years of 
waiting and the promises made. If you have an interest in community gardening 
or other passive uses of public lands, please contact Cris Singer at 2227-7747 
Posted April 16, 2004 01:06 PM | TrackBack 

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