Here what is happening in sacramento.  Our oldest garden (30 years) the
mandella com garden (on state land) is slated for relocation...due to a
housing project (see more info at
<>    ...a portion of the garden will be saved
for the new residents of the $250,000 - $300,000 homes or townhouses...will
they use it?

CADA the city agency offered to find a replacement garden site.  The first
site selected about 5 blocks away was found to be extremely
contaminated...that site was dumped and a new site was found about 10 blocks
away.  This site was purchased and soil samples taken...using a random
method of taking soils samples (computer generated) high levels of arsenic
and lead where found....the 18" to 34" of soil was removed from the 1 acre
site (trucked to a site in Nevada) ...the site was retested...some hot spots
were found with higher levels of lead then before....that soil was removed
to Nevada also...the top soil fill dirt was tested before bringing it tested fine...many loads of soil were brought to the sight over a 4
days grading operation...the site is now graded and awaiting transfer of
title from CADA to the city of sacramento parks and rec dept...our first
community garden in the city of sacramento parks system!

 The cost of the soils testing from a private company, (taking the samples,
analysis - for everything possible - much more than U of Mass. Does - the
full palette - hydrocarbons, petroleum by products, etc, writing reports on
it, and meetings), soil removal, more soil testing and trucking to Nevada,
testing of new soil, trucking to the new site, and final grading to the site
(finished this week) .   cost so far has been $600,000.... much more than
expected...but the deal was made... and CADA followed thru with their
commitment to find a replacement for the garden.  

I talked to the grading contractors at the site... they were "...amazed that
big bucks where spent on a F#$%&#G garden!  That with the freeway access
this site should be a strip mall"....

 It will be a beautiful site....a little noisy as it is near the
freeway...80-90 decibels (but that's another list serve question)

The Mandella gardeners still move forward with trying to save the garden...
a few months back Julia "butterfly" Hill (old growth Redwoods tree sitter -
800 days?) came to talk at a rally at the garden; them we marched thru the
state capitol park to City Hall....

alternate plans exist from another developer that would save the entire
garden and bring a housing element that would be more affordable ....but
until the other developer backs out of the deal (which he still may) plans
for the leveling of the mandella garden are scheduled for this
winter....then the soils removal and testing will begin there to 30 year
soil that was believed to be clean and healthy and was planned to be
relocated to the new garden site....

If the mandella garden is saved (which it still can be) we will have gained
another community garden in the process...

I will keep you posted.....

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