Then it's getting his speechwriters and or legislative aides in the place.
But I'm glad you have this kind of relationship with your governor. Governor
Pataki in NYC and his staff take their lead from former Mayor Giuliani. 
Well, so it goes.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ray Schutte [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 12:27 PM
To: Honigman, Adam; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [cg] Washington State Governor Gary Locke - Sell him on
Community Gar dens

You might be interested that the Governor spent time visiting and working in
a Cultivating Community garden  a low income housing community garden
celebrating Martin Luther King day,  in a Cultivating Community garden in a
low income housing community.  Cultivating Communities a community garden
program is sponsored by a joint partnership of Friends of P-Patch
(non-profit org), Seattle Housing Authority and the City's P-Patch Program.
The Governor is a supporter and has visited other gardens in the past.  Now
getting him to use community gardens as a metaphor is another challenge


Ray Schutte

"The truth of the matter is that the flower has cleverly manipulated the bee
into hauling its pollen from blossom to blossom." The Botany of Desire,
Michael Pollan


-----Original Message-----
From: Honigman, Adam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 9:08 AM
Subject: [cg] Washington State Governor Gary Locke - Sell him on Community
Gar dens


Hey Washington State Community Gardeners!


Governor Gary Locke's rebuttal to the State of the Union Address was pretty
impressive yesterday night.  Do you think he can be suckered into visiting a
community garden with his staff and speechwriters ( maybe the garden being
grown from the "Million Flower Compost") and get the community garden idea
as a metaphor for all of us pulling together to make America better?


If Governor Locke gets the idea and uses community gardeners as a metaphor
for a positive America ( especially growing food for low income citizens)
maybe the Republicans, hearing a good metaphor that they'd want to co-opt
might see the cg movement as something to support thorough  a line item in
an agriculture bill, or through that "faith based iniative/volunteer" bill
that Dubya mentioned last night.  


If we can get something like the Federal urban agriculture / community
development grant dollars of the late seventies/early eighties restored,
maybe we might be able to expand programs, promote the community garden idea
thoughout more of this country - an antidote to that other metaphor,
"Bowling Alone."


But first we need to get some politicians, wine, cheese and oysters into a
gussied up Seattle community garden and someone - maybe Seattle's mayor or
its cg friendly city councilpersons? to invite Governor Gary Locke and his
speechwriters in...


A thought for a snow Wednesday,


Best wishes,

Adam Honigman

Volunteer, Clinton Community Garden, NYC <> 


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