Hi Tobias,

really nice! Lately I had a discussion with a Java Guy complaining about
the missing toolset in PHP world. I demonstrated him another PHPUC
setup, but your one would have been much more impressing.

There is a problem with the CodeSniffer Output: The table "PHP
CodeSniffer violation" shows a new row for every file, which makes the
column "files" meaningless. The original CruiseControl Templates showed
one row for every failed sniff and the number of files, this violation
occured in.

This makes much more sense, IMHO, since you have the detailed file view
below the summary table. If you like, I'd search for the hacks I did to
get the right output from CodeSniffer and the changes I did to the

Best regards,

Thomas Koch

Am Monday 15 September 2008 22:37:22 schrieb Gaetano Giunta:
> Tobias Schlitt a écrit :
> > Hi!
> >
> > I finally managed to setup my new home server and a phpUnderConrol (aka
> > CruiseControl) instance for eZ Components on it. It currently builds all
> > components except for Template and Graph (and related), due to low
> > memory. As soon as I updated the RAM, those components will be build,
> > too.
> >
> > The components are each build independantly whenever an SVN commit
> > occurs in the component itself or a related component. Builds are run
> > against PHP 5.2.1, 5.2.6 (aka latest 5.2 release) and 5.3-CVS. For
> > database components these are each run once against MySQL and against
> > SQLite in memory. I also plan to add Postgres and SQLite, maybe even
> > Oracle, if I find to set it up.
> >
> > phpUnderControl provides Unit testing results by PHPUnit,
> > PHP_CodeSniffer checks for our programming and documentation style,
> > phpDocumentor builds and error check, as well as metrics and stats over
> > time and PDM (project mess detection) reults.
> >
> > The URL is http://ezc.home.schlitt.info/.
> >
> > I'd beg all component maintainers to check their components and fix the
> > shown errors. It's a good idea to check the site every couple of days to
> > see if new issues occur and old ones really got fixed.
> >
> > There are still a few issues with the installation, e.g. PHPUnits XML
> > log does not work with non-printable characters in the generated test
> > output and some components tests have the dependency to be run from the
> > eZ network (Mail). I'll try to fix these issues during the week.
> >
> > Thanks for any feedback,
> > regards,
> > Toby
> mmmh, nice!
> now we just need to set it up for eZP.
> apart from some docs (a la tooltips), it would be great to have the
> source (maybe highlighted via geshi?) linked directly from the violation
> reports of eg. codesniffer...
> thanks
> Gaetano

Thomas Koch, Software Developer

Young Media Concepts GmbH
Sonnenstr. 4
CH-8280 Kreuzlingen

Tel    +41 (0)71 / 508 24 86
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