hey, this sounds pretty good to me.


----- Original Message ----
From: Jason House <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: computer-go <computer-go@computer-go.org>
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2007 9:53:26 PM
Subject: [computer-go] [Fwd: Re: Casual attendance of the US Go Congress]

Here is an old e-mail I've found about the pricing of the computer go 
congress. I assume it's still correct.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:     Re: Casual attendance of the US Go Congress
Date:     Tue, 24 Apr 2007 17:21:18 -0400
From:     Peter N. Nassar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:     Jason House <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
References:     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Jason,

Thank you very much for your email and for your interest in attending the 2007
US Go Congress.

I apologize in the delay in responding to your email.  We are still working out
some of the details with regard to offering a single-day pass for the Congress,
but we should have this up on the website within the next week or two.

You mentioned in your email that other colleagues of yours online were also
curious about shorter attendance times, esp. as a non-player.  The information
is below, and I'd appreciate it if you could pass this along to them.

For your information, a "non-player" is defined as an observer, i.e., someone
who is not competing in any official Congress Go tournaments.  A "player" is
someone who is competing in at least one (or all) Congress Go tournament.

Here is what we will be posting on our FAQ within the next few days:

?    Can I attend the Congress for just one day?  Can I attend the Congress for
just two days?  How much will it cost?

We offer a 1-day or multi-day playing fee, for both players (those who wish to
compete in the US Open and/or other side tournaments) and non-players (those
who only wish to observe).  

For non-players, the rate is $15.00 / day.  You will receive an ID badge good
for the day you register.  This will allow you access to the Congress playing
sites, should you wish to observe a game, and also to the vendor room, should
you wish to purchase any Go books or equipment.  The price does not include
meals or lodging, nor does it allow access to lectures or game reviews by the
professional players.

For players, the rate is $65.00 for the first day, and $40.00 for all remaining
days.  You will receive an ID badge good for the day(s) you register, along
with a Congress T-shirt and other promotional items.  You will have access to
the Congress playing site, the vendor room, and all lectures.  The price does
not include meals or lodging.

I hope that helps clear things up?  If you have further questions, please let me
know and I promise we will be quicker to reply.

Best regards,


Quoting Jason House <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I was looking in the FAQ, but I'm still unclear on how much I should pay or
> what I would put when doing the online registration form.
> I live fairly close to Lancaster and was thinking of stopping by to meet
> computer go people and look around.  It's possibly I might only attend for
> an hour, or if something catches my interest, stay for a while longer (4
> hours?).
> Do I qualify as a non-player and pay the $75 registration fee?  Since others
> on the computer go list share my confusion, how much
> participation/attendance is needed to transition from a non-player to a
> player?  (I'm suspecting that "player" in the FAQ may refer to those
> competing?)
> Is it possible to do something like pay $15 for a single day pass?
Peter N. Nassar, Ph.D.
Department of Animal Biology, Rm 156E
School of Veterinary Medicine
3800 Spruce Street
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA  19104-6045

Phone: 215.898.6271
Fax: 215.573.5187

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