Here are some interviews from the Computer Olympiad in Amsterdam:

In 1981 there was a game of Belle against GM Donner in Delft. Donner wrote an article about this event. He makes very bad remarks about the man, who had the big mouth there, but is in fact unable - and will be ever unable - to produce something of any relevance. The times have obviously not changed, as far as I see on the link, the man has also in this event the big mouth. The only contribution I ever recognized from him was to bother the participants with his incompetence. David Levy is keen on Sachertorte. In the Bilbao 2005 I promised him a Sachertorte if he is able to stop the man from making one of his infamous speeches. Fortunately David does everything to get a Sachertorte and he indeed succeeded in this mission impossible.

The most strange of these speeches was on the funeral of Jan Louwman. Instead of making a funeral speech, the man presented 10 theses about computer chess and of course that he - the man - was always right. There must be something wrong with the Dutch academic system if such a man can get 2 professorships.


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