I came across this on slashdot today.
Could this be used in Go programming for identifying strong structures.

Quote from slashdot:

"Jeff Hawkins is best known for founding Palm Computing and
Handspring, but for the last eighteen months he's been working on his
third company, Numenta. In his 2005 book, On Intelligence, Hawkins
laid out a theoretical framework describing how the neocortex
processes sensory inputs and provides outputs back to the body.
Numenta's goal is to build a software model of the human brain capable
of face recognition, object identification, driving, and other tasks
currently best undertaken by humans. For an overview see Hawkins' 2005
presentation at UC Berkeley. It includes a demonstration of an early
version of the software that can recognize handwritten letters and
distinguish between stick figure dogs and cats. White papers are
available at Numenta's website. Numenta wisely decided to build a
community of developers rather than trying to make everything
proprietary. Yesterday they released the first version of their free
development platform and the source code for their algorithms to
anyone who wants to download it."


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