On 1 janv. 2011, at 23:11, Erik van der Werf wrote:
>>> Mogo's biggest contributions, so far, in my view, are
>>> 1.Applied UCT to computer Go, and such application came from the idea
>>> "MCTS" that proposed in 2006 by Remi Coulom.
> No, it came directly from Levente. Several people got access to his
> paper around the same time as Remi's paper. It is more like they
> independently proposed similar ideas.
> Erik
> * "Improved Monte-Carlo Search" by Levente Kocsis, Csaba Szepesvári
> and Jan Willemson

I'd like to confirm that UCT was developed completely independently from my 
2006 paper. Yizao contacted me in early 2006 because he planned to develop his 
program based on my MCTS paper. They later found about UCT, and used UCT 

Note that Guillaume Chaslot claims to be another independent inventor of the 
MCTS idea.

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