Oops, my statement that restoring to a previous restore point eliminated the 
Smitfraud-C.gp and svchost malware was premature.? Running Spybot again 
identifies those items as still present.? But Firefox appears to be running 
correctly now.? I still have to eliminate Smitfraud-C.gp and 
C:\Windows\svchost.?? Apparently Spybot (1.6) isn't doing it.? Any suggestions 
would be appreciated!

Date:    Sun, 12 Oct 2008 11:42:19 -0400
From:    Tom Piwowar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mozilla stopped working
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In official Windows speak this is called "restart." It is amazing how 
often rebooting fixes things and how often people forget to try this 

Next is to try starting FFx in safe mode. Get to this via Start > All 
Programs> Mozilla FireFox > Mozilla FireFox (safe mode). This will offer 
you a bunch of options for clearing posssibly corrupt settings (which is 
probably your problem).

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