the $100 dvd upconverter boxes are amazing.  the tech  GuRu at the WSJ said he 
could not tell the difference between regular dvd up converted(to 1080p), and 

from comcast, you have to rent the box and pay for hd content.  I am not 
certain but what you do not have to pay extra to get channels 200 to 275, which 
is where most of the hd content is placed.  channel 3-26 frequently are not hd, 
but the same program is on 200-275 in hd.  not a lot is in hd.  to get hd on 
sports, frequently they have to run at about 5 frames per second as they do not 
have enough light.  bonkiety bonkiety bonk. stop motion. 

most of the TV hd is in 1 or 2.0 sound.(one source or 2).  even rock concerts 
are single channel, or stereo at best.   the best productions that I have seen 
on a regular basis is NASCAR,  it's worth watching nascar to see what can be 
done.  they have cameras everywhere except the rest rooms.  from cars fwd, 
backward, and on the rite hand side of the car, photoing the driver.   there 
must be at least 50 active cameras.  they broadcast in 5.1(2 main, 2 side, i 
center, and wulfer).  if you can suck in the channels with an antenna, you can 
get hd for free.

the upconvert of standard to hd on my samsung sucks(for lack of a better word)

At 01:58 PM 3/4/2008, you wrote:
>This is where I ran into a problem with a very poor picture.
>If you supply your HD LCD TV with a standard non HD signal the tuner inside 
>has to up-convert to the native resolution of the TV(720p,1080i,1080p).
>Better tuners do a better job of up-converting, but I have yet to find a 
>source that will tell me who is using high quality tuners to do this.
>This all started at Christmas, I was going to replace my wifes trusty 13inch 
>CRT with a space saving 19" LCD($400 from Toshiba), Christmas morning with 
>baited breath I anxiously hooked up.  But to my dismay the picture was fuzzy.  
>I tried it on Comcast's digital tuner box, but then realized that the output 
>was Analog Channel 3(to get a  digital signal I will have to pay more per 
>month for the better box that outputs a digital signal.)
>Isn't it wonderful that the government is pushing this High Def junk 
>forgetting about all of the old TV's out there.
>Very disheartened I returned it to Circuit City, and have been looking ever 
>since for a non HD LCD set of a 19" size that will work and be relatively 
>I am thinking of getting the Samsung 19" 720P LCD HDTV(~$400), but am unsure 
>if it will give good results with a non Highdef signal.
>Any advice would be appreciated.
>Tom Piwowar wrote:
>>>should i be confused?
>>The DTV Shoppers Guide page at will give you a start at sorting 
>>things out. The formatting is terrible, but someone did a lot of work to pull 
>>facts together. It does leave out some important details. Like...
>>A progressive image is about 30% sharper than an interlaced image of the same 
>>Nobody is broadcasting at 1080p and maybe never will. This is because 
>>stations would rather use the extra bandwith for an additional channel. For 
>>the same reason, many current broadcasts are not even 1080i.   
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