Grant Ingersoll wrote:
That sounds pretty good.


Good sounding or not, I've not received any hint from the httpclient team that they've changed their mind about accepting my patch. However, it *does* seem like it would be reasonable to continue to include the patched httpclient within Apache svn.

So the issue devolves into what we do with the sources for the patches we need but httpclient won't accept. Here are the options as I see them.

(1) We simply continue to supply the patched 3.1 jar.
(2) We create a copy of the 3.1 or 4.1 httpclient project, under LCF's apache 
area somewhere, and overlay our patches.
(3) We lobby the httpclient team for creation of some kind of configurable/extensible interface for authorization modules in httpclient 4.x, and provide sources for just such an extension.

I am not satisfied even in the medium term with (1). I could live with (2). (3) seems like it has a built-in delay due to httpclient release cycles, so it's a long-term prospect at any rate.


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