Gianugo Rabellino wrote:
On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 2:15 PM, Karl Wright <> wrote:
Once the Apache IP committee is done with the LCF grant, please note I've
entered a number of tickets for work that would need to be done immediately
after the software hits Apache's SVN.

It seems to me that the highest priority of these is getting some set of
starting ant build scripts created.

I haven't seen the code yet, but does this mean there is no build
system in place at all?

There was a build system in place, for building debian packages, but one of the engineers at MetaCarta objected to including the existing debian package structure, other than the makefiles and control files. It should be possible to reconstruct the former debian packaging, if that was desired, with some effort. Also, it was ruled that we could not legally include some things that were necessary for a build to complete, such as SharePoint wsdls. Finally, there were required upstream changes to certain apache packages (libcommons-httpclient and xerces2-java) which we could do nothing else for except grant the appropriate diff files.

So, we effectively need to put together a build environment as job one, within 


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