I have a link local ipv6 address for my service (method is Auto for IPV6).
For IPV4 the method is DHCP. I see that service state is transitioning to
ready w/o a valid IPv4 address. So I am not sure what is triggering the
state transition to ready w/o a valid IP address. Is it IPv6 auto method
making service transition to ready w/o waiting for DHCP to assign an IPV4
address? Is their a way in which I can make service state transition to
ready only with a valid IPv4 address.

These are the list of signals I see in my application:

1. ServicePropertyChanged -> State (Transitioning to Ready)
2. TechnologyPropertyChanged -> Connected (Set to 1)
3. ServicePropertyChanged -> IPv4 address (Method: NULL and Address: NULL)
                                                  IPV6 address (Method:
Auto, and valid ipv6 address)

On TechnologyPropertyChanged event (from step 2) we start accessing
internet and it fails because we do not have a valid IPV4 address.

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