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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: [PATCH 0/1] start online check even if service is not the default 
      (Christophe Ronco)


Date: Tue, 11 May 2021 17:21:31 +0200
From: Christophe Ronco <>
Subject: Re: [PATCH 0/1] start online check even if service is not the
        default service
To: "VAUTRIN Emmanuel (Canal Plus Prestataire)"
        <>, Daniel Wagner <>,
        "" <>, ""
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8


>> Yes this is a big problem for me. If WiFi service stays online and
>> Ethernet service stays ready, the default route is on WiFi so all
>> traffic goes through WiFi instead of wired. This is bad and not what end
>> user wants when he wrote "PreferredTechnologies = ethernet, wifi,
>> cellular" in main.conf. WiFi is a backup and must not be used if
>> Ethernet is OK. Looking at comments in main.conf I see current behavior
>> (using WiFi service for default route when Ethernet service is working)
>> as a bug.
> Your concern makes totally sense.
>> I don't think that reproducing my problem is difficult, can you tell me
>> if you see the same behavior ? If not, could you send your debug logs,
>> I'll try to understand what I did wrong.
> I confirm it to be completely reproducible.
> Moreover, I think that our validation team has noticed that after
> the update from 1.37 to1.38.
> It is not my priority, but  will try to check it the next weeks.

Happy to see this is seen as a real problem.

My previous patch is not enough to fix this problem. Even with the patch
if you do:

1) start with Ethernet cable plugged => Wired service Online, WiFi
service not ready

2) unplug Ethernet cable => Wired service does not exist, WiFi service
goes online

3) replug Ethernet cable => Wired service Online, WiFi service Ready

4) unplug Ethernet cable => Wired service does not exist, WiFi service
stays Ready

So I have done something to call __connman_service_wispr_start each time
a service is ready. It fixes my problem but the online check is
sometimes done twice. Maybe this is OK, maybe this is not the right way
to do it, I don't know.

__connman_service_wispr_start is called twice when replugging the
Ethernet cable (step 2 and 4). It is called once when wired service
becomes ready (because of my patch) and another time from
default_changed when default service changes from WiFi to new Wired
(online) service. This comes from patch
69e9e25032946887aede3ebb6233739e7ceb2d49 done before 1.39.

I am a bit lost on when this online check should be started. Each time a
service becomes ready seems good to me but I am not sure at all.

If anybody has clearer ideas on this subject, I'll be happy to make or
test a better patch.



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End of connman Digest, Vol 67, Issue 6

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