Call for papers and save the date:
Conservation Matters in Wales December 2018:  More than an object – conserving 
our intangible heritage.
Wednesday, December 19th 2018.
Insole Court, Cardiff

A one day conference organised by Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales, The 
Federation of Museums and Art Galleries of Wales and Cardiff University.

One day conference that explores the relationship between the conservation of 
tangible heritage and its associated intangible values.
Conservation has been traditionally associated with the “do not touch” message 
generated by a desire to protect but this approach can also erect barriers 
between communities and their cultural heritage. The conference celebrates the 
work of collections care professionals that breaks down this barrier and 
reconnects communities with their heritage.
Papers are welcomed that demonstrate a conservation approach informed by a 
combination of preservation of intangible and tangible heritage values. These 
may include:

• Public consultation

•Conservation of skills

•Community participation


•Effective sustainable practice

• Lessons learned

• Object’s significance and value

Proposals are invited for 20 minute presentations, 5 minute shorts, workshops 
or discussions that explore the conference’s broad theme. The conference 
hashtag will be #consinwales and we also welcome suggestions for presentations 
that may be shared virtually.

The conference will conclude with an open floor discussion. Contributors are 
sought to launch the discussion with thoughts or case studies for a 2 minute 
presentation (no PowerPoint) that explores the following question:

“How do those in collections care contribute to the wider mission of an 

The cross disciplinary conference will be attended by conservators, curators, 
collection managers and other professionals engaged in the care of collections. 
Proposals are welcomed from those inside and outside of Wales. The conference 
ethos is to be a low cost inclusive network, and whilst we can offer speakers a 
free place we unfortunately do not have a budget to cover speaker expenses.
If you are interested in speaking please send a brief summary of your proposal 
to William Tregaskes<> by the 2nd 
of November.

Megan de Silva
Objects Conservator, Monmouthshire Museums

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