[Conselhobrasil] Solicitação de mídias

2012-03-16 Por tôpico Tiago Hillebrandt
*Pessoas, por gentileza deem um parecer, até para gente conversar com os líderes dos Times Regionais antes do lançamento do 12.04.* Boa noite senhores, Então, negócio é o seguinte: na reestruturação dos Times Regionais foi criada uma página com os líderes de cada Estado que se manifestou, dispon

[Conselhobrasil] ursinha added by tiagohillebrandt

2012-03-16 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brazilian Team
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership status of Ursula Junque (ursinha) in the team Ubuntu Brazilian Team (brazilianteam) was changed by Tiago Hillebrandt (tiagohillebrandt) from Expired to Approved. ___ Mai

[Conselhobrasil] gabriellhrn made admin by tiagohillebrandt

2012-03-16 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - MG
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership status of gabriell nascimento (gabriellhrn) in the team Ubuntu Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) was changed by Tiago Hillebrandt (tiagohillebrandt) from Approved to Administrator. Tiago Hillebrandt said: Welcome :) ___

[Conselhobrasil] gabriellhrn joined ubuntu-br-locoteams-leaders

2012-03-16 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brazilian LoCo Teams Leaders
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, gabriell nascimento (gabriellhrn) has been added as a member of Ubuntu Brazilian LoCo Teams Leaders (ubuntu-br-locoteams-leaders) by Tiago Hillebrandt (tiagohillebrandt). Follow the link below for more details. https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-br-locoteams- leaders/

[Conselhobrasil] Membership change: licio in ubuntu-br-mg

2012-03-16 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - MG
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership status of Licio Fonseca (licio) in the team Ubuntu Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) was changed by Tiago Hillebrandt (tiagohillebrandt) from Administrator to Approved. Tiago Hillebrandt said: Vacation _

[Conselhobrasil] Membership change: dudanogueira in ubuntu-br-mg

2012-03-16 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - MG
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership status of Duda Nogueira (dudanogueira) in the team Ubuntu Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) was changed by Tiago Hillebrandt (tiagohillebrandt) from Administrator to Approved. Tiago Hillebrandt said: Vacation __

[Conselhobrasil] patriciomartinsb approved by julianfern

2012-03-16 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - SC
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership status of Patrício Martins (patriciomartinsb) in the team Ubuntu Brasil - SC (ubuntu-br-sc) was changed by Julian Fernandes (julianfern) from Proposed to Approved. ___ Ma

[Conselhobrasil] patriciomartinsb wants to join

2012-03-16 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - SC
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, Patrício Martins (patriciomartinsb) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brasil - SC (ubuntu-br-sc), but this is a moderated team, so that membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by following the link below. https://launchpad.ne

[Conselhobrasil] apierre-cardoso extended their membership

2012-03-16 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - SP
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, a_cardoso (apierre-cardoso) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team until 2013-03-22. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad

[Conselhobrasil] fcostapb extended their membership

2012-03-16 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brazilian Documentation Team
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, Francisco Costa (fcostapb) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu Brazilian Documentation Team (ubuntu-br-doc) team until 2012-06-19. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: