[Conselhobrasil] jean-gomes89 expired from team

2012-04-18 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - MS
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Jean Gomes (jean-gomes89) in the Ubuntu Brasil - MS (ubuntu-br-ms) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobras

[Conselhobrasil] iskigow expired from team

2012-04-18 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - RJ
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Rodrigo Catto (iskigow) in the Ubuntu Brasil - RJ (ubuntu-br-rj) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobrasil

[Conselhobrasil] aprigiosimoes expired from team

2012-04-18 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - RJ
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of aprigio (aprigiosimoes) in the Ubuntu Brasil - RJ (ubuntu-br-rj) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobrasil

[Conselhobrasil] wolflanz expired from team

2012-04-18 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - MA
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of wolflan (wolflanz) in the Ubuntu Brasil - MA (ubuntu- br-ma) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobrasil Pos

[Conselhobrasil] inavegador expired from team

2012-04-18 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - MA
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Raifran R. Costa (inavegador) in the Ubuntu Brasil - MA (ubuntu-br-ma) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselho

[Conselhobrasil] oman-nadin expired from team

2012-04-18 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PB
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Oman (oman-nadin) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PB (ubuntu- br-pb) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobrasil Post

[Conselhobrasil] calcio-nit expired from team

2012-04-18 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - RJ
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Cálcio (calcio-nit) in the Ubuntu Brasil - RJ (ubuntu- br-rj) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobrasil Po

[Conselhobrasil] greyson-farias expired from team

2012-04-18 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - SE
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Greyson Farias (greyson-farias) in the Ubuntu Brasil - SE (ubuntu-br-se) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~consel

[Conselhobrasil] lucascastroborges expired from team

2012-04-18 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - MA
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Lucas (lucascastroborges) in the Ubuntu Brasil - MA (ubuntu-br-ma) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobras

[Conselhobrasil] fromhell666-hotmail expired from team

2012-04-18 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - SE
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Fernando Satyro (fromhell666-hotmail) in the Ubuntu Brasil - SE (ubuntu-br-se) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~

[Conselhobrasil] greyson-farias expired from team

2012-04-18 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - MA
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Greyson Farias (greyson-farias) in the Ubuntu Brasil - MA (ubuntu-br-ma) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~consel

[Conselhobrasil] raphaelhorta expired from team

2012-04-18 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - SE
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Raphael de Paula Horta (raphaelhorta) in the Ubuntu Brasil - SE (ubuntu-br-se) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~

[Conselhobrasil] pedrosenna5 expired from team

2012-04-18 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - SE
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Pedro Senna (pedrosenna5) in the Ubuntu Brasil - SE (ubuntu-br-se) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobras

[Conselhobrasil] paulojls expired from team

2012-04-18 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - RJ
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Paulo-Selva (paulojls) in the Ubuntu Brasil - RJ (ubuntu-br-rj) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobrasil

[Conselhobrasil] paulosouza expired from team

2012-04-18 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - RJ
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Paulo Souza (paulosouza) in the Ubuntu Brasil - RJ (ubuntu-br-rj) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobrasi

[Conselhobrasil] pedroaguiar expired from team

2012-04-18 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - RJ
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Pedro Aguiar (pedroaguiar) in the Ubuntu Brasil - RJ (ubuntu-br-rj) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobra

[Conselhobrasil] rafaelrjp expired from team

2012-04-18 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - RJ
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Rafaelrjp (rafaelrjp) in the Ubuntu Brasil - RJ (ubuntu-br-rj) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobrasil P

[Conselhobrasil] fabio64 extended their membership

2012-04-18 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - RS
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, Fábio Geraldo (fabio64) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu Brasil - RS (ubuntu-br-rs) team until 2013-04-25. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net

[Conselhobrasil] Evento de Lançamento do Ubuntu 12.04

2012-04-18 Por tôpico Gedson Rios
Prezados Usuários, Confirmamos o evento de lançamento da nova versão do Ubuntu a 12.04 para o dia 04/05 as 18:00 no Instituto Laboro. Convidamos todos os membros para particitpar. Segue abaixo link do evento. http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-br/1692/detail/ -- This message was sent from Launc

[Conselhobrasil] gedsonrios-gmail approved by julianfern

2012-04-18 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - SC
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership status of Gedson Rios (gedsonrios-gmail) in the team Ubuntu Brasil - SC (ubuntu-br-sc) was changed by Julian Fernandes (julianfern) from Proposed to Approved. ___ Mailing

[Conselhobrasil] gedsonrios-gmail wants to join

2012-04-18 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - SC
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, Gedson Rios (gedsonrios-gmail) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brasil - SC (ubuntu-br-sc), but this is a moderated team, so that membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by following the link below. https://launchpad.net/~ub

[Conselhobrasil] zandrebran extended their membership

2012-04-18 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brazilian Documentation Team
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, Zandre Bran (zandrebran) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu Brazilian Documentation Team (ubuntu-br-doc) team until 2012-07-24. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: h

[Conselhobrasil] douglasrpg extended their membership

2012-04-18 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - SP
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, Douglas Santos (douglasrpg) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team until 2013-04-24. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad

[Conselhobrasil] jads0n-4 approved by rafepel

2012-04-18 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - CE
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership status of jadson alves tome de oliveira (jads0n-4) in the team Ubuntu Brasil - CE (ubuntu-br-ce-loco) was changed by Rafael Neri (rafepel) from Proposed to Approved. ___

[Conselhobrasil] jads0n-4 wants to join

2012-04-18 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - CE
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, jadson alves tome de oliveira (jads0n-4) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brasil - CE (ubuntu-br-ce-loco), but this is a moderated team, so that membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by following the link below. https://la