[Conselhobrasil] carlosfcunha expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Carlos Fernandes (carlosfcunha) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~consel

[Conselhobrasil] awulll expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of awulll (awulll) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br- pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobrasil Post t

[Conselhobrasil] charlesdnl expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Charles do Nascimento Liesenfeld (charlesdnl) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchp

[Conselhobrasil] fernandomossmann expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Fernando Mossmann (fernandomossmann) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~c

[Conselhobrasil] luizguilhermefr expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Luiz Guilherme Fonseca Rosa (luizguilhermefr) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchp

[Conselhobrasil] g-g1mr expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Gilmar Pupo (g-g1mr) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobrasil Po

[Conselhobrasil] finger-le expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Leandro Finger Romanovski (finger-le) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~

[Conselhobrasil] tiossi expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Jamerson Albuquerque Tiossi (tiossi) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~c

[Conselhobrasil] vithinho expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Vitor Góis Ferreira (vithinho) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselh

[Conselhobrasil] zonetti expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Osvaldo Zonetti (zonetti) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobras

[Conselhobrasil] sandro-ciabr expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Alessandro Tubiana (sandro-ciabr) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~cons

[Conselhobrasil] marcelobl27 expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Marcelo Butzke Leopoldino (marcelobl27) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net

[Conselhobrasil] famt expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Fábio A. De Muzio Tobich (famt) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~consel

[Conselhobrasil] braulioareis expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of braulioareis (braulioareis) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobr

[Conselhobrasil] marcelo-adamuz expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Marcelo Adamuz (marcelo-adamuz) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~consel

[Conselhobrasil] emmersonloyde2 expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Emmerson Loyde (emmersonloyde2) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~consel

[Conselhobrasil] helioalb-gmail expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Helio Albano de Oliveira (helioalb-gmail) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.n

[Conselhobrasil] marcoscamargo expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of marcos camargo (marcoscamargo) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselh

[Conselhobrasil] tonete-cm expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Tonete (tonete-cm) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu- br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobrasil Pos

[Conselhobrasil] augusto-cesar21 expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Augusto César Moura da Silva (augusto-cesar21) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launch

[Conselhobrasil] razer-anthom expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Razer (razer-anthom) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobrasil Po

[Conselhobrasil] diogocolete expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of diogo (diogocolete) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu- br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobrasil Po

[Conselhobrasil] matheusblocatelli expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Matheusblocatelli (matheusblocatelli) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~

[Conselhobrasil] greyson-farias expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Greyson Farias (greyson-farias) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~consel

[Conselhobrasil] raphaelhorta expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Raphael de Paula Horta (raphaelhorta) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~

[Conselhobrasil] marneumann expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of marneumann (marneumann) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobrasil

[Conselhobrasil] slowtux expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Vagner Rodrigues (slowtux) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobra

[Conselhobrasil] uchi-m expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Neuron Upheaval (uchi-m) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobrasi

[Conselhobrasil] danilogoncalves expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Danilo Gonçalves (danilogoncalves) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~con

[Conselhobrasil] roggarcia expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Rogério Garcia (roggarcia) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobra

[Conselhobrasil] leonardo-pinheiro-dobemsoftware expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of LeonardoPinheiro (leonardo-pinheiro-dobemsoftware) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://la

[Conselhobrasil] vandersonmr expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Vanderson M. do Rosario (vandersonmr) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~

[Conselhobrasil] avelino0 expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Thiago Avelino (avelino0) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobras

[Conselhobrasil] josielkuk expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Josiel (josielkuk) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu- br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobrasil Pos

[Conselhobrasil] rafaelsousa expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Rafael de Andrade Sousa (rafaelsousa) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~

[Conselhobrasil] silviopalmieri expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of SilvioPalmieri (silviopalmieri) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~consel

[Conselhobrasil] alexvictor expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of alefrança (alexvictor) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobrasil

[Conselhobrasil] ander-loirao expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Anderson (ander-loirao) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobrasil

[Conselhobrasil] clovis-bn expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Clovis (clovis-bn) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu- br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobrasil Pos

[Conselhobrasil] emanuel-dama expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of manucamga (emanuel-dama) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobrasi

[Conselhobrasil] lucashenriquelimaverde expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Lucas H. (lucashenriquelimaverde) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~cons

[Conselhobrasil] andreturetta expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of andreturetta (andreturetta) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobr

[Conselhobrasil] eduardoks expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Eduardo Saldanha (eduardoks) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhob

[Conselhobrasil] para-ester expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of ester (para-ester) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu- br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobrasil Pos

[Conselhobrasil] alexandre-macedo expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of psybox (alexandre-macedo) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobras

[Conselhobrasil] dollar-renan expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Renan Silva (dollar-renan) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobra

[Conselhobrasil] cristian-cassoli expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of cristiancas (cristian-cassoli) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselh

[Conselhobrasil] dinhocorreia expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Alexandre Correia (dinhocorreia) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conse

[Conselhobrasil] caiomuzzillo expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of CAIOMUZZILLO (caiomuzzillo) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobr

[Conselhobrasil] oldair expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Old@ir (oldair) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br- pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobrasil Post t

[Conselhobrasil] wiliam expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of WiliamAlvesDeSouza (wiliam) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobr

[Conselhobrasil] thitirenos expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Alptraum (thitirenos) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobrasil P

[Conselhobrasil] fauache expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of fauache (fauache) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu- br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobrasil Post

[Conselhobrasil] vee expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Michele R. Marino (vee) in the Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu- br) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobrasil Post to

[Conselhobrasil] lmveloso expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Lucas Mazzardo Veloso (lmveloso) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conse

[Conselhobrasil] augusta-klug expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Augusta Carla Klug (augusta-klug) in the Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobrasil

[Conselhobrasil] alexandrecavedon expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Alexandre Cavedon (alexandrecavedon) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~c

[Conselhobrasil] jefones expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Jefferson Caldeira (jefones) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhob

[Conselhobrasil] fernandolima expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Fernando Lima (fernandolima) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhob

[Conselhobrasil] leobergamo expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Leonardo Bergamo (leobergamo) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselho

[Conselhobrasil] repolho expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of REPOLHO (repolho) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu- br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobrasil Post

[Conselhobrasil] erval expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Erval Netto de Lima (erval) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobr

[Conselhobrasil] christiano expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Christiano (Linuxmen) (christiano) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~con

[Conselhobrasil] brunoew expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of brunoew (brunoew) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu- br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobrasil Post

[Conselhobrasil] fabricio-alexandre expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Fabricio Rocha Alexandre (fabricio-alexandre) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchp

[Conselhobrasil] idilio-souza-ubuntu30 expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of idilio de souza (idilio-souza-ubuntu30) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net

[Conselhobrasil] francispio expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Francispio (francispio) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobrasil

[Conselhobrasil] irio06 expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Zero Cool (irio06) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu- br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobrasil Pos

[Conselhobrasil] jobdrb expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Job Diógenes (jobdrb) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobrasil P

[Conselhobrasil] ebf expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Eduardo Fonseca (ebf) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobrasil P

[Conselhobrasil] geraldozys expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Dinho (geraldozys) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu- br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobrasil Pos

[Conselhobrasil] marcelopedrazzani expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of MarceloPedrazzani (marcelopedrazzani) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~

[Conselhobrasil] edney expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Edney Matias da Silva (edney) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselho

[Conselhobrasil] longhinotti expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Alexandre (longhinotti) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobrasil

[Conselhobrasil] hriostat expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Hriostat (hriostat) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu- br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobrasil Po

[Conselhobrasil] daltonscavassa expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Dalton Scavassa (daltonscavassa) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conse

[Conselhobrasil] marcelloconti-gmail expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of marcelloconti (marcelloconti-gmail) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~co

[Conselhobrasil] fabiossilva expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Fábio Silva (fabiossilva) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobras

[Conselhobrasil] heartfelt expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Loprete (heartfelt) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu- br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobrasil Po

[Conselhobrasil] fabiogramos expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Fabio Gomes Ramos (fabiogramos) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~consel

[Conselhobrasil] ffelix expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Alexsandro Felix (ffelix) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobras

[Conselhobrasil] juliomonteiro expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Júlio Santos Monteiro (juliomonteiro) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~

[Conselhobrasil] alexandre-psl-pr expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Alexandre Rocha Lima e Marcondes (alexandre-psl-pr) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://l

[Conselhobrasil] tomaswaldow expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Tomas Waldow (tomaswaldow) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobra

[Conselhobrasil] silviomendes expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Silvio Henrique Mendes (silviomendes) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~

[Conselhobrasil] cypherbios expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Rafael Proença (cypherbios) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobr

[Conselhobrasil] sfair expired from team

2012-04-29 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - PR
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Rafael Sfair (sfair) in the Ubuntu Brasil - PR (ubuntu-br-pr) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobrasil Po