[Conselhobrasil] paulo-s-lima expired from team

2012-12-30 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brazilian Portuguese Documentation Revisers
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Paulo de Souza Lima (paulo-s-lima) in the Ubuntu Brazilian Portuguese Documentation Revisers (ubuntu-br-doc-revisores) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team __

[Conselhobrasil] gustavobrandao expired from team

2012-12-30 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brazilian Portuguese Documentation Revisers
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Gustavo Brandão (gustavobrandao) in the Ubuntu Brazilian Portuguese Documentation Revisers (ubuntu-br-doc-revisores) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team

[Conselhobrasil] zandrebran expired from team

2012-12-30 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brazilian Portuguese Documentation Revisers
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Zandre Bran (zandrebran) in the Ubuntu Brazilian Portuguese Documentation Revisers (ubuntu-br-doc-revisores) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team

[Conselhobrasil] leandrotoledodesouza extended their membership

2012-12-30 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - SP
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, Leandro Toledo de Souza (leandrotoledodesouza) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team until 2014-01-05. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list