[Conselhobrasil] leandrovital expired from team

2013-10-14 Por tôpico Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Leandro Vital (leandrovital) in the Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launch

[Conselhobrasil] viniciusubuntero expired from team

2013-10-14 Por tôpico Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of vinicius victor medeiros maciel (viniciusubuntero) in the Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailin

[Conselhobrasil] akacio- expired from team

2013-10-14 Por tôpico Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Elisio Akacio F. de Almeida (akacio-) in the Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https

[Conselhobrasil] jorgeeaoliveira expired from team

2013-10-14 Por tôpico Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Jorge Eduardo de Araújo Oliveira (jorgeeaoliveira) in the Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailin

[Conselhobrasil] chinnoferreira expired from team

2013-10-14 Por tôpico Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Chinno Ferreira (chinnoferreira) in the Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://la

[Conselhobrasil] rodriguesallan91 expired from team

2013-10-14 Por tôpico Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Allan Rodrigues (rodriguesallan91) in the Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://

[Conselhobrasil] roncnatal expired from team

2013-10-14 Por tôpico Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Rodolfo da Nóbrega Corrêa (roncnatal) in the Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https

[Conselhobrasil] luizpedro expired from team

2013-10-14 Por tôpico Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Luiz Pedro Oliveira (luizpedro) in the Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://lau

[Conselhobrasil] luismelo expired from team

2013-10-14 Por tôpico Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Luis Melo (luismelo) in the Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/

[Conselhobrasil] igo-2007 expired from team

2013-10-14 Por tôpico Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Igor Romero Costa de souza (igo-2007) in the Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https

[Conselhobrasil] mdiniz expired from team

2013-10-14 Por tôpico Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Marcus Diniz (mdiniz) in the Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net

[Conselhobrasil] oseasbmota expired from team

2013-10-14 Por tôpico Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Oséas Mota (oseasbmota) in the Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) team has expired. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.n

[Conselhobrasil] ubuntu-br will expire soon from locoteams-verified

2013-10-14 Por tôpico Verified LoCo Teams
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, On 2013-10-18, 3 days from now, the membership of Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br) (which you are the owner of) in the Verified LoCo Teams (locoteams-verified) Launchpad team is due to expire. To prevent this membership from expir

[Conselhobrasil] brunojmmedeiros wants to join

2013-10-14 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - RJ
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, Bruno J. Militão Medeiros (brunojmmedeiros) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brasil - RJ (ubuntu-br-rj), but this is a moderated team, so that membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by following the link below. https://laun

[Conselhobrasil] ubuntucampinas extended their membership

2013-10-14 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - SP
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, Edson Lima (ubuntucampinas) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team until 2014-10-20. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad

[Conselhobrasil] cpenteado extended their membership

2013-10-14 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - SP
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, Carlos Henrique Penteado (cpenteado) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team until 2014-10-19. Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://

[Conselhobrasil] claudionigueira wants to join

2013-10-14 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brazilian Planet
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, Claudio Novaes Figueira (claudionigueira) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brazilian Planet (ubuntu-br-planeta), but this is a moderated team, so that membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by following the link below. http