Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
thiago dos santos galdino (thiagogaldinots) wants to be a member of Time
de Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork), but this is a moderated team,
so that membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or
leave it as proposed by following the link below
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Paulo Henrique de Campos (phcestudio-x) wants to be a member of Time de
Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork), but this is a moderated team, so
that membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave
it as proposed by following the link below
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Leonardo Rocha (leonardossr) wants to be a member of Time de Arte Ubuntu
Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork), but this is a moderated team, so that
membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as
proposed by following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Denis Katko (deniskatko) wants to be a member of Time de Arte Ubuntu
Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork), but this is a moderated team, so that
membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as
proposed by following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Fabricio Guimarães Piraino (fabriciopiraino) wants to be a member of
Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork), but this is a moderated
team, so that membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline
or leave it as proposed by following the link below
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
matheus tuller (matheustuller) wants to be a member of Time de Arte
Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork), but this is a moderated team, so that
membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as
proposed by following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Ícaro Ramires Costa de Souza (icarobsi) in the Time de
Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Vinicius Vieira (vinicius3cta) in the Time de Arte
Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Leandro Vital (leandrovital) in the Time de Arte
Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of vinicius victor medeiros maciel (viniciusubuntero) in
the Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) team has expired.
The Launchpa
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Elisio Akacio F. de Almeida (akacio-) in the Time de
Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Jorge Eduardo de Araújo Oliveira (jorgeeaoliveira) in
the Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) team has expired.
The Launchpa
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Chinno Ferreira (chinnoferreira) in the Time de Arte
Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Allan Rodrigues (rodriguesallan91) in the Time de Arte
Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Rodolfo da Nóbrega Corrêa (roncnatal) in the Time de
Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Luiz Pedro Oliveira (luizpedro) in the Time de Arte
Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Luis Melo (luismelo) in the Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil
(ubuntu-br-artwork) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Igor Romero Costa de souza (igo-2007) in the Time de
Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Marcus Diniz (mdiniz) in the Time de Arte Ubuntu
Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Oséas Mota (oseasbmota) in the Time de Arte Ubuntu
Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Blau Araujo (blau-bass) in the Time de Arte Ubuntu
Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Matheus da Silva Souza (leao-da-tribo) wants to be a member of Time de
Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork), but this is a moderated team, so
that membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave
it as proposed by following the link below
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Ícaro Ramires Costa de Souza (icarobsi) in the
team Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) was changed by Tiago
Hillebrandt (tiagohillebrandt) from Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Ícaro Ramires Costa de Souza (icarobsi) wants to be a member of Time de
Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork), but this is a moderated team, so
that membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave
it as proposed by following the link below
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Sidney Andrews (sidneyandrews) wants to be a member of Time de Arte
Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork), but this is a moderated team, so that
membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as
proposed by following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Ricardo Luiz (rluiz) in the Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil
(ubuntu-br-artwork) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Vinicius Vieira (vinicius3cta) in the team Time
de Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) was changed by Tiago
Hillebrandt (tiagohillebrandt) from Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Vinicius Vieira (vinicius3cta) wants to be a member of Time de Arte
Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork), but this is a moderated team, so that
membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as
proposed by following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of vinicius victor medeiros maciel
(viniciusubuntero) in the team Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-
artwork) was changed by Tiago Hillebrandt (tiagohillebrandt) from
Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Marcus Diniz (mdiniz) in the team Time de Arte
Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) was changed by Tiago Hillebrandt
(tiagohillebrandt) from Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Rodolfo da Nóbrega Corrêa (roncnatal) in the
team Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) was changed by Tiago
Hillebrandt (tiagohillebrandt) from Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Luiz Pedro Oliveira (luizpedro) in the team
Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) was changed by Tiago
Hillebrandt (tiagohillebrandt) from Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Oséas Mota (oseasbmota) in the team Time de
Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) was changed by Tiago Hillebrandt
(tiagohillebrandt) from Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Vinicius Romeiro (m-vinicius) in the team Time
de Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) was changed by Tiago
Hillebrandt (tiagohillebrandt) from Proposed to Declined.
Tiago Hillebrandt said
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Leandro Vital (leandrovital) in the team Time
de Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) was changed by Tiago
Hillebrandt (tiagohillebrandt) from Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Luis Melo (luismelo) in the team Time de Arte
Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) was changed by Tiago Hillebrandt
(tiagohillebrandt) from Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Charles do Nascimento Liesenfeld (charlesdnl)
in the team Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) was changed
by Tiago Hillebrandt (tiagohillebrandt) from Proposed to Declined.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Elisio Akacio F. de Almeida (akacio-) in the
team Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) was changed by Tiago
Hillebrandt (tiagohillebrandt) from Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Emerson Almeida (emersonalmeida) in the team
Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) was changed by Tiago
Hillebrandt (tiagohillebrandt) from Proposed to Declined.
Tiago Hillebrand
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Allan Rodrigues (rodriguesallan91) in the team
Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) was changed by Tiago
Hillebrandt (tiagohillebrandt) from Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Jeison Batista (jeison-abatista) in the team
Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) was changed by Tiago
Hillebrandt (tiagohillebrandt) from Proposed to Declined.
Tiago Hillebrand
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Danilo Pinho de Almeida (almeida-danilopinho)
in the team Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) was changed
by Tiago Hillebrandt (tiagohillebrandt) from Proposed to Declined.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Chinno Ferreira (chinnoferreira) in the team
Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) was changed by Tiago
Hillebrandt (tiagohillebrandt) from Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Igor Romero Costa de souza (igo-2007) in the
team Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) was changed by Tiago
Hillebrandt (tiagohillebrandt) from Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Fabrizzio d'luca Quadros de Farias (dluca-
designer) in the team Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) was
changed by Tiago Hillebrandt (tiagohillebrandt) from Proposed to
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Jorge Eduardo de Araújo Oliveira
(jorgeeaoliveira) in the team Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-
artwork) was changed by Tiago Hillebrandt (tiagohillebrandt) from
Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Jorge Eduardo de Araújo Oliveira (jorgeeaoliveira) wants to be a member
of Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork), but this is a
moderated team, so that membership has to be approved. You can approve,
decline or leave it as proposed by following the link
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Danilo Pinho de Almeida (almeida-danilopinho) wants to be a member of
Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork), but this is a moderated
team, so that membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline
or leave it as proposed by following the link below
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Rodolfo da Nóbrega Corrêa (roncnatal) wants to be a member of Time de
Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork), but this is a moderated team, so
that membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave
it as proposed by following the link below
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Janailson (janailsonleite) in the Time de Arte Ubuntu
Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Ricardo Luiz (tecnonotec) renewed their own membership in the Time de
Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) team until 2013-05-24.
The Launchpad team
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Leandro Vital (leandrovital) wants to be a member of Time de Arte Ubuntu
Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork), but this is a moderated team, so that
membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as
proposed by following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Fabrizzio d'luca Quadros de Farias (dluca-designer) wants to be a member
of Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork), but this is a
moderated team, so that membership has to be approved. You can approve,
decline or leave it as proposed by following the
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Oséas Mota (oseasbmota) wants to be a member of Time de Arte Ubuntu
Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork), but this is a moderated team, so that
membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as
proposed by following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Janailson (janailsonleite) in the team Time de
Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) was changed by Tiago Hillebrandt
(tiagohillebrandt) from Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Ricardo Luiz (tecnonotec) in the team Time de
Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) was changed by Tiago Hillebrandt
(tiagohillebrandt) from Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil has a new message requiring your approval.
Subject: Re: [Conselhobrasil]Aprovação pendente
Author name: Ricardo Luiz
Author url: https://launchpad.net/~tecnonotec
Date: 2012-10-26 05:59:21+00:00
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Chinno Ferreira (chinnoferreira) wants to be a member of Time de Arte
Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork), but this is a moderated team, so that
membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as
proposed by following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Igor Romero Costa de souza (igo-2007) wants to be a member of Time de
Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork), but this is a moderated team, so
that membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave
it as proposed by following the link below
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Tiago Hillebrandt (tiagohillebrandt) in the
team Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) was changed by the
user from Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Tiago Hillebrandt (tiagohillebrandt) in the
team Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) was changed by the
user from Approved to Administrator.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Blau Araujo (blau-bass) in the team Time de
Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) was changed by Tiago Hillebrandt
(tiagohillebrandt) from Administrator to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Luiz Pedro Oliveira (luizpedro) wants to be a member of Time de Arte
Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork), but this is a moderated team, so that
membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as
proposed by following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Allan Rodrigues (rodriguesallan91) wants to be a member of Time de Arte
Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork), but this is a moderated team, so that
membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as
proposed by following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Ricardo Luiz (tecnonotec) wants to be a member of Time de Arte Ubuntu
Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork), but this is a moderated team, so that
membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as
proposed by following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of André Gondim (andregondim) in the Time de Arte Ubuntu
Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
vinicius victor medeiros maciel (viniciusubuntero) wants to be a member
of Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork), but this is a
moderated team, so that membership has to be approved. You can approve,
decline or leave it as proposed by following the link
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Ricardo Borges (rjbgbo) in the team Time de
Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) was changed by the user from
Approved to Deactivated.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Elisio Akacio F. de Almeida (akacio-) wants to be a member of Time de
Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork), but this is a moderated team, so
that membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave
it as proposed by following the link below
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Janailson (janailsonleite) wants to be a member of Time de Arte Ubuntu
Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork), but this is a moderated team, so that
membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as
proposed by following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Vinicius Romeiro (m-vinicius) wants to be a member of Time de Arte
Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork), but this is a moderated team, so that
membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as
proposed by following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Tiago Hillebrandt (tiagohillebrandt) wants to be a member of Time de
Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork), but this is a moderated team, so
that membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave
it as proposed by following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Jeison Batista (jeison-abatista) wants to be a member of Time de Arte
Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork), but this is a moderated team, so that
membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as
proposed by following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Vanderson M. do Rosario (vandersonmr) in the Time de
Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of leonardo (leozinho-mo) in the Time de Arte Ubuntu
Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Nossile (nossile) in the Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil
(ubuntu-br-artwork) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Pablo Garrido (santiago-pablo) in the Time de Arte
Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Raul Dipeas (rauldipeas) in the Time de Arte Ubuntu
Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Alexandre Wagner (wagner-ale) in the Time de Arte
Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Setthy (guedes166) in the Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil
(ubuntu-br-artwork) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Francisco Favaro (franciscofavaro) in the Time de Arte
Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Felipe Cunha (felipecunha3) in the Time de Arte Ubuntu
Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Ursula Junque (ursinha) in the Time de Arte Ubuntu
Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of irtigor (irtigor) in the Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil
(ubuntu-br-artwork) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Messias Manoel da Silva Junior (juniormj1) in the Time
de Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
André Gondim (andregondim) renewed their own membership in the Time de
Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) team until 2012-03-30.
The Launchpad team
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Ricardo Jorge (rjbgbo) renewed their own membership in the Time de Arte
Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) team until 2012-03-30.
The Launchpad team
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Luis Melo (luismelo) wants to be a member of Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil
(ubuntu-br-artwork), but this is a moderated team, so that membership
has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by
following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Charles do Nascimento Liesenfeld (charlesdnl) wants to be a member of
Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork), but this is a moderated
team, so that membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline
or leave it as proposed by following the link below
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Marcus Diniz (mdiniz) wants to be a member of Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil
(ubuntu-br-artwork), but this is a moderated team, so that membership
has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by
following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of MAURICIO CAVALCANTE MACHADO (mauricio-machado)
in the team Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork) was changed
by Ursula Junque (ursinha) from Proposed to Declined.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
MAURICIO CAVALCANTE MACHADO (mauricio-machado) wants to be a member of
Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil (ubuntu-br-artwork), but this is a moderated
team, so that membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline
or leave it as proposed by following the link below
92 matches
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