Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Marcos E. (mschutsu) in the Ubuntu Brasil - SP
(ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselho
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Joildo Santos (joildo) in the Ubuntu Brasil - SP
(ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselho
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Daniel Cassiano (danielcassiano) in the Ubuntu Brasil
- SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of marcosmamorim (marcosmamorim) in the Ubuntu Brasil -
SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Kurt Kraut (kurtkraut) in the Ubuntu Brasil - SP
(ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselho
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Janailson (janailsonleite) in the Ubuntu Brasil - SP
(ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of KrisCosta (kristiane-costa) in the Ubuntu Brasil - SP
(ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Ana Caroline da Silva Jesus (dasilvajesus-caroline-
anacarol) in the Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Nildo (nildomarques2) in the Ubuntu Brasil - SP
(ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselho
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Fernando Eduardo Gonçalves (alyeneye) in the Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of douglas esteves (douglas-brsoftware) in the Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Robinson (robinsonfernandes) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team until 2014-04-18.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Murilo (murilo-ns) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-
br-sp), but this is a moderated team, so that membership has to be
approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by following
the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Celio Alves (dreamcelio) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team until 2014-04-18.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Kemel Zaidan aka Legendario (kemelzaidan) renewed their own membership
in the Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team until 2014-04-18.
The Launchpad team
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Luiz Armesto (luiz-armesto) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team until 2014-04-18.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Francisco Costa (fcostapb) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team until 2014-04-18.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Paulo Cruz (cruzpaulo) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu Brasil
- SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team until 2014-04-18.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Aprigio Simoes (aprigiosimoes) in the team
Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Edson Lima
(ubuntucampinas) from Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Aprigio Simoes (aprigiosimoes) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brasil -
SP (ubuntu-br-sp), but this is a moderated team, so that membership has
to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by
following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Wanderson Santiago dos Reis (wasare) in the
team Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Edson Lima
(ubuntucampinas) from Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Wanderson Santiago dos Reis (wasare) wants to be a member of Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp), but this is a moderated team, so that
membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as
proposed by following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of André Soares Nascimento (andresoaresnascimento) in the
Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Tiago Augusto Ferreira (tiago-fer1987) in the
team Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Vinicius Vieira
(vinicius3cta) from Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Gutierri Barboza (eugutierri) in the team
Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Vinicius Vieira
(vinicius3cta) from Proposed to Declined.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Tiago Augusto Ferreira (tiago-fer1987) wants to be a member of Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp), but this is a moderated team, so that
membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as
proposed by following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Edson Lima (ubuntucampinas) in the team Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Tiago Hillebrandt
(tiagohillebrandt) from Approved to Administrator.
Tiago Hillebrandt said:
Seja bem vi
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Edvaldo de Souza Cruz (edvaldoscruz) renewed their own membership in the
Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team until 2014-04-09.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Arthur Bernardes (bernardesarthur) in the team
Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Vinicius Vieira
(vinicius3cta) from Proposed to Approved.
Vinicius Vieira said:
Seja bem vindo
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Arthur Bernardes (bernardesarthur) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brasil
- SP (ubuntu-br-sp), but this is a moderated team, so that membership
has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by
following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Ubuntu Brasil - SP has a new message requiring your approval.
Subject: Re: Problemas com o vídeo no Ubuntu
Author name: Magnun Paula Pereira
Author url: https://launchpad.net/~gnungam
Date: 2013-03-30 15:13:25+00:00
A message has
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Ubuntu Brasil - SP has a new message requiring your approval.
Subject: Problemas com o vídeo no Ubuntu
Author name: Magnun Paula Pereira
Author url: https://launchpad.net/~gnungam
Date: 2013-03-30 15:08:33+00:00
A message has been
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Jean Dantas (jeanmdg) in the Ubuntu Brasil - SP
(ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselho
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
xango (jk3rtech) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu Brasil - SP
(ubuntu-br-sp) team until 2014-03-29.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Ubuntu Brasil - SP has a new message requiring your approval.
Subject: Problemas de envio da chave GnuPG
Author name: semcentro
Author url: https://launchpad.net/~semcentro
Date: 2013-03-23 18:49:14+00:00
A message has been posted
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Christiano (Linuxmen) (christiano) in the team
Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Vinicius Vieira
(vinicius3cta) from Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Macarena (marcoaasilva) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team until 2014-03-27.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Fernando Júnior (f.dallbem) in the team Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Vinicius Vieira (vinicius3cta)
from Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
a_cardoso (apierre-cardoso) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team until 2014-03-22.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Fernando Júnior (f.dallbem) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brasil - SP
(ubuntu-br-sp), but this is a moderated team, so that membership has to
be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by
following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Victor Santos (victorcarlos-santos) in the team
Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Vinicius Vieira
(vinicius3cta) from Proposed to Approved.
Vinicius Vieira said:
Seja Bem vindo!!
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Victor Santos (victorcarlos-santos) wants to be a member of Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp), but this is a moderated team, so that
membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as
proposed by following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Igor Hipólito Vieira (zignd-igor) in the team
Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Vinicius Vieira
(vinicius3cta) from Proposed to Approved.
Vinicius Vieira said:
Seja Bem vindo!
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Carlos Donizete Froes (coringao) in the team
Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Vinicius Vieira
(vinicius3cta) from Proposed to Approved.
Vinicius Vieira said:
Seja bem vindo
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Raphael Inacio (raphael-inacio) in the Ubuntu Brasil -
SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Fernando Avena (avena) in the Ubuntu Brasil - SP
(ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselho
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Alex Maximiano (avmaximiano1) in the team
Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Vinicius Vieira
(vinicius3cta) from Proposed to Approved.
Vinicius Vieira said:
Seja Bem
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Ubuntu Brasil - SP has a new message requiring your approval.
Subject: Novo membro ao time.
Author name: Alex Maximiano
Author url: https://launchpad.net/~avmaximiano1
Date: 2013-03-02 14:41:56+00:00
A message has been posted to
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Alex Maximiano (avmaximiano1) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brasil - SP
(ubuntu-br-sp), but this is a moderated team, so that membership has to
be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by
following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Gutierri Barboza (eugutierri) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brasil - SP
(ubuntu-br-sp), but this is a moderated team, so that membership has to
be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by
following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Pablo R. Dinella (ipablo.rd) in the team Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Vinicius Vieira (vinicius3cta)
from Proposed to Approved.
Vinicius Vieira said:
Seja Bem
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Pablo R. Dinella (ipablo.rd) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brasil - SP
(ubuntu-br-sp), but this is a moderated team, so that membership has to
be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by
following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Vartroy (vartroy) in the team Ubuntu Brasil -
SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Vinicius Vieira (vinicius3cta) from
Proposed to Approved.
Vinicius Vieira said:
Seja bem
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of João Paulo (jpescola) in the Ubuntu Brasil - SP
(ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselho
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Vartroy (vartroy) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-
sp), but this is a moderated team, so that membership has to be
approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by following
the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Thiago Nalli Valentim (thiago-nalli) in the
team Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Tiago Hillebrandt
(tiagohillebrandt) from Administrator to Approved.
Tiago Hillebrandt said:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Lucas SHark (lukinha-jrs) in the team Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Thiago Nalli Valentim (thiago-
nalli) from Approved to Deactivated.
Thiago Nalli Valentim said:
Por Favor, As
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Lucas SHark (lukinha-jrs) in the team Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Thiago Nalli Valentim (thiago-
nalli) from Proposed to Approved.
Thiago Nalli Valentim said:
Aprovado Por
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Aroldo Ribeiro dos Santos (aroldo-net) in the
team Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Thiago Nalli
Valentim (thiago-nalli) from Proposed to Approved.
Thiago Nalli Valentim said:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Ricardo Panaggio (panaggio) in the team Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by the user from Approved to
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Lucas SHark (lukinha-jrs) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brasil - SP
(ubuntu-br-sp), but this is a moderated team, so that membership has to
be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by
following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Igor Hipólito Vieira (zignd-igor) in the team
Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Vinicius Vieira
(vinicius3cta) from Proposed to Declined.
Vinicius Vieira said:
O membro propos
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Thiago Nalli Valentim (thiago-nalli) in the
team Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Vinicius Vieira
(vinicius3cta) from Approved to Administrator.
Vinicius Vieira said:
Olá, seja bem
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Ubuntu Brasil - SP has a new message requiring your approval.
Subject: [Off-topic] 4o Google Open Source Jam em São Paulo
Author name: Licio Fonseca
Author url: https://launchpad.net/~licio
Date: 2013-02-18 23:26:32+00:00
A message
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of amaivsimau (iramaro) in the team Ubuntu Brasil
- SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Vinicius Vieira (vinicius3cta) from
Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Kemel Zaidan aka Legendario (kemelzaidan) in
the team Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Tiago
Hillebrandt (tiagohillebrandt) from Administrator to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Vinicius Vieira (vinicius3cta) in the team
Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Tiago Hillebrandt
(tiagohillebrandt) from Approved to Administrator.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
amaivsimau (iramaro) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-
br-sp), but this is a moderated team, so that membership has to be
approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by following
the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Igor Lemos (l88os) in the team Ubuntu Brasil -
SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Tiago Hillebrandt (tiagohillebrandt)
from Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Denilson Prates (prateslinux) in the team
Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Tiago Hillebrandt
(tiagohillebrandt) from Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
edson_br (edson.amaral) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team until 2014-02-21.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Igor Hipólito Vieira (zignd-igor) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brasil
- SP (ubuntu-br-sp), but this is a moderated team, so that membership
has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by
following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Tiago San Martin (riago) in the Ubuntu Brasil - SP
(ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Elisio Akacio F. de Almeida (akacio-) in the Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Igor Lemos (l88os) in the Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-
br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselho
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Licio Fonseca (licio) in the Ubuntu Brasil - SP
(ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselho
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
alexsandroccarv (t-alexsandroccarv) renewed their own membership in the
Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team until 2014-02-13.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Henrique Aparecido Lavezzo (henlavezzo) in the
team Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Tiago Hillebrandt
(tiagohillebrandt) from Proposed to Declined.
Tiago Hillebrandt said:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Nelson Estevam (warlinux) in the team Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Tiago Hillebrandt
(tiagohillebrandt) from Proposed to Declined.
Tiago Hillebrandt said:
Você n
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Denilson Prates (prateslinux) in the team
Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Tiago Hillebrandt
(tiagohillebrandt) from Proposed to Declined.
Tiago Hillebrandt said:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Roberto Leite de Moraes Rodrigues (roberto-
rodrigues) in the team Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by
Tiago Hillebrandt (tiagohillebrandt) from Proposed to Declined.
Tiago Hillebrand
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Aroldo Ribeiro dos Santos (aroldo-net) in the
team Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Tiago Hillebrandt
(tiagohillebrandt) from Proposed to Declined.
Tiago Hillebrandt said:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Carlos Tavares (carlostavaresjr-q) in the team
Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Tiago Hillebrandt
(tiagohillebrandt) from Proposed to Declined.
Tiago Hillebrandt said:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of arlindo batista xavier filho (arlindo-h) in the
team Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Tiago Hillebrandt
(tiagohillebrandt) from Proposed to Declined.
Tiago Hillebrandt said:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Daniel Martins (mrmillionyear) in the team
Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Tiago Hillebrandt
(tiagohillebrandt) from Proposed to Declined.
Tiago Hillebrandt said:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Pablo Diego Moço (pablodm89) in the team Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Tiago Hillebrandt
(tiagohillebrandt) from Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Negraiver (lfaromualdo) in the team Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Tiago Hillebrandt
(tiagohillebrandt) from Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Wallace Rosa (wallaros) in the team Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Tiago Hillebrandt
(tiagohillebrandt) from Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Michael xGrind (michaelfm21) in the team Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Tiago Hillebrandt
(tiagohillebrandt) from Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of cyberthrone (alfierimorillo) in the team Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Tiago Hillebrandt
(tiagohillebrandt) from Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Leandro Vital (leandrovital) in the team Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Tiago Hillebrandt
(tiagohillebrandt) from Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Denilson Prates (prateslinux) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brasil - SP
(ubuntu-br-sp), but this is a moderated team, so that membership has to
be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by
following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of ricardopontes (chuck-info) in the Ubuntu Brasil - SP
(ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Maurício Rodrigues de Souza Bezerra
(mauriciorodrigues-91) in the Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team has
The Launchpad team
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Fernando (fernandgoncalves) in the Ubuntu Brasil - SP
(ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Pedro Elsner (pedro-elsner) in the Ubuntu Brasil - SP
(ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Holverat Bortolossi (holverat) renewed their own membership in the
Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team until 2014-02-04.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Daniel Gusmão (dangusmao) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team until 2014-02-01.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Negraiver (lfaromualdo) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brasil - SP
(ubuntu-br-sp), but this is a moderated team, so that membership has to
be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by
following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Michael xGrind (michaelfm21) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brasil - SP
(ubuntu-br-sp), but this is a moderated team, so that membership has to
be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by
following the link below.
301 - 400 de 673 matches
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