Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Conselho Ubuntu Brasil (conselhobrasil) in the
team Ubuntu Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) was changed by Garliene Paiva
(garliene-paiva) from Deactivated to Approved.
You received this email becaus
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Conselho Ubuntu Brasil (conselhobrasil) in the
team Ubuntu Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) was changed by Garliene Paiva
(garliene-paiva) from Approved to Deactivated.
You received this email becaus
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Conselho Ubuntu Brasil (conselhobrasil) in the
team Ubuntu Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) was changed by Garliene Paiva
(garliene-paiva) from Expired to Approved.
You received this email becaus
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Conselho Ubuntu Brasil (conselhobrasil) in the Ubuntu
Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Robert Lucas (robertvirtual) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brasil - MG
(ubuntu-br-mg), but this is a moderated team, so that membership has to
be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by
following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Warlei Alves (warlei-alves) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu
Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) team until 2013-04-18.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Cássio Souza (shinken5) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu
Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) team until 2013-04-18.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
dasho (adrianodasho) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu Brasil -
MG (ubuntu-br-mg) team until 2013-04-18.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Foxher (foxher) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu Brasil - MG
(ubuntu-br-mg) team until 2013-04-18.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Marley Silva (marleyas) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu
Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) team until 2013-04-18.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Julio Cesar Dias (julio.cd) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu
Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) team until 2013-04-18.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Alfa Beta Gama (alfa-betagama) renewed their own membership in the
Ubuntu Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) team until 2013-04-18.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
silesio (silesio) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu Brasil - MG
(ubuntu-br-mg) team until 2013-04-18.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Lucas Arruda (lucasarruda) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu
Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) team until 2013-04-18.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Tulho (tulho.oliveiramelo) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu
Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) team until 2013-04-18.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
José Humberto Alvarenga Melo (josehumberto-melo) renewed their own
membership in the Ubuntu Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) team until
The Launchpad team
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Frederico O. Sales (fbiela) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu
Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) team until 2013-04-18.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Welton A. Santos. (weltoncompany) renewed their own membership in the
Ubuntu Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) team until 2013-04-18.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
THiago (thiago-ferrarezi) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu
Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) team until 2013-04-18.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Cristiano (clcampos) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu Brasil -
MG (ubuntu-br-mg) team until 2013-04-18.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Dário (dariotarcizo) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu Brasil -
MG (ubuntu-br-mg) team until 2013-04-18.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Avila (genin10) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu Brasil - MG
(ubuntu-br-mg) team until 2013-04-18.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Francisco Costa (fcostapb) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu
Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) team until 2013-04-18.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Wanderson Santiago dos Reis (wasare) renewed their own membership in the
Ubuntu Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) team until 2013-04-18.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Fernando Norte (fnorte) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu
Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) team until 2013-04-18.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
lucasgf (lucasgf) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu Brasil - MG
(ubuntu-br-mg) team until 2013-04-18.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Leonardo Silva Amaral (leleobhz) renewed their own membership in the
Ubuntu Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) team until 2013-04-18.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Everthon Valadão (everthonvs) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu
Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) team until 2013-04-18.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
João Paulo Brígido Tostes (joaotostes) renewed their own membership in
the Ubuntu Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) team until 2013-04-18.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
rodriguesluis16 (rodriguesluis16) renewed their own membership in the
Ubuntu Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) team until 2013-04-18.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Gustavo Veloso (gjmveloso) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu
Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) team until 2013-04-18.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Thiago Parreira (parreira) in the team Ubuntu
Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) was changed by gabriell nascimento
(gabriellhrn) from Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Welton (weltonvaz-gmail) in the team Ubuntu
Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) was changed by gabriell nascimento
(gabriellhrn) from Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Pedro Augusto Araújo (pedroaugustobd) in the
team Ubuntu Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) was changed by gabriell
nascimento (gabriellhrn) from Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Nubia (nubiasouzadc) in the team Ubuntu Brasil
- MG (ubuntu-br-mg) was changed by gabriell nascimento (gabriellhrn)
from Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Willian Gonçalves Souza (williang-souza) in the
team Ubuntu Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) was changed by gabriell
nascimento (gabriellhrn) from Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Sênio Caires (seniocaires) in the team Ubuntu
Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) was changed by gabriell nascimento
(gabriellhrn) from Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Matheus Campana (matheuscampana) in the team
Ubuntu Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) was changed by gabriell nascimento
(gabriellhrn) from Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Júlio Lins (juliolins) in the team Ubuntu
Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) was changed by gabriell nascimento
(gabriellhrn) from Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Samuel William Cortes Rodrigues (samuelwcr) in
the team Ubuntu Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) was changed by gabriell
nascimento (gabriellhrn) from Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Francisco Jr. (rairo) (rairojr) in the team
Ubuntu Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) was changed by gabriell nascimento
(gabriellhrn) from Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Michel Filipe (mfilipe) in the team Ubuntu
Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) was changed by gabriell nascimento
(gabriellhrn) from Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Eventos Livres (eventoslivres) in the team
Ubuntu Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) was changed by gabriell nascimento
(gabriellhrn) from Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Bruno Luz (bluz) in the team Ubuntu Brasil - MG
(ubuntu-br-mg) was changed by gabriell nascimento (gabriellhrn) from
Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Marco Túlio Dutra e Duque (marcotulio-
duque+ubuntumg) in the team Ubuntu Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) was
changed by gabriell nascimento (gabriellhrn) from Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Alberto Jose Elias de Aguiar
(albertoaguiar2010) in the team Ubuntu Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) was
changed by gabriell nascimento (gabriellhrn) from Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Leusafan Batista Loureiro (olotuseacruz) in the
team Ubuntu Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) was changed by gabriell
nascimento (gabriellhrn) from Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Jose Mateus (mtsm9266-gmail) in the team Ubuntu
Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) was changed by gabriell nascimento
(gabriellhrn) from Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of filpe nogueira de souza (nog-lipe) in the team
Ubuntu Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) was changed by gabriell nascimento
(gabriellhrn) from Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Caio (caiortp) in the team Ubuntu Brasil - MG
(ubuntu-br-mg) was changed by gabriell nascimento (gabriellhrn) from
Proposed to Approved.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Clóvis Fabrício (nosklo) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu
Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) team until 2013-04-18.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
enan...@ig.com.br (enanre1) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu
Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) team until 2013-04-18.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Jean Pimentel (jeanpimentel) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu
Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) team until 2013-04-18.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
lipe (felipe-linuxjf) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu Brasil
- MG (ubuntu-br-mg) team until 2013-04-18.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Arnaldo Lourençani (alourencani) renewed their own membership in the
Ubuntu Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) team until 2013-04-18.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Valmar Neves (valmar) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu Brasil
- MG (ubuntu-br-mg) team until 2013-04-18.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
fabríciogemim (fabriciofao) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu
Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) team until 2013-04-18.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
RodrigoMaluf (rodrigomaluf) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu
Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) team until 2013-04-18.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Rafael Bedendo (rafael-bedendo) renewed their own membership in the
Ubuntu Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) team until 2013-04-18.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Márcio Hamilton (mhp-mhp) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu
Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) team until 2013-04-18.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Lucas Crivellari Macieira (birula) renewed their own membership in the
Ubuntu Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) team until 2013-04-18.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Sebastião Luiz Guerra (sebastiao-luiz-guerra) renewed their own
membership in the Ubuntu Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) team until
The Launchpad team
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Marcus (mvcirino) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu Brasil - MG
(ubuntu-br-mg) team until 2013-04-18.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Caio (caiortp) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-
mg), but this is a moderated team, so that membership has to be
approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by following
the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of gabriell nascimento (gabriellhrn) in the team
Ubuntu Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) was changed by Tiago Hillebrandt
(tiagohillebrandt) from Approved to Administrator.
Tiago Hillebrandt said:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Licio Fonseca (licio) in the team Ubuntu Brasil
- MG (ubuntu-br-mg) was changed by Tiago Hillebrandt (tiagohillebrandt)
from Administrator to Approved.
Tiago Hillebrandt said:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Duda Nogueira (dudanogueira) in the team Ubuntu
Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg) was changed by Tiago Hillebrandt
(tiagohillebrandt) from Administrator to Approved.
Tiago Hillebrandt said:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Leusafan Batista Loureiro (olotuseacruz) wants to be a member of Ubuntu
Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg), but this is a moderated team, so that
membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as
proposed by following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Samuel William Cortes Rodrigues (samuelwcr) wants to be a member of
Ubuntu Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg), but this is a moderated team, so that
membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as
proposed by following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Welton (weltonvaz-gmail) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brasil - MG
(ubuntu-br-mg), but this is a moderated team, so that membership has to
be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by
following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Michel Filipe (michel-filipe) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brasil - MG
(ubuntu-br-mg), but this is a moderated team, so that membership has to
be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by
following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Rairo (rairojr) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-
mg), but this is a moderated team, so that membership has to be
approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by following
the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Alberto Jose Elias de Aguiar (albertoaguiar2010) wants to be a member of
Ubuntu Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg), but this is a moderated team, so that
membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as
proposed by following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Nubia (nubiasouzadc) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brasil - MG (ubuntu-
br-mg), but this is a moderated team, so that membership has to be
approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by following
the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Thiago Parreira (parreira) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brasil - MG
(ubuntu-br-mg), but this is a moderated team, so that membership has to
be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by
following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Sênio Caires (seniocaires) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brasil - MG
(ubuntu-br-mg), but this is a moderated team, so that membership has to
be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by
following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Marco Túlio Dutra e Duque (marcotulio-duque+ubuntumg) wants to be a
member of Ubuntu Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg), but this is a moderated
team, so that membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline
or leave it as proposed by following the link below
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Willian Gonçalves Souza (williang-souza) wants to be a member of Ubuntu
Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg), but this is a moderated team, so that
membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as
proposed by following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Matheus Campana (matheuscampana) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brasil -
MG (ubuntu-br-mg), but this is a moderated team, so that membership has
to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by
following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Pedro Augusto Araújo (pedroaugustobd) wants to be a member of Ubuntu
Brasil - MG (ubuntu-br-mg), but this is a moderated team, so that
membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as
proposed by following the link below.
80 matches
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