[Conselhobrasil] amfartura wants to join

2017-04-22 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - MS
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, Alex Maximiano (amfartura) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brasil - MS (ubuntu-br-ms), but this is a moderated team, so that membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by following the link below. https://launchpad.net

[Conselhobrasil] versharana013 wants to join

2016-05-06 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - MS
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, versharana (versharana013) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brasil - MS (ubuntu-br-ms), but this is a moderated team, so that membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by following the link below. https://launchpad.net

[Conselhobrasil] lucianoedipo expired from team

2014-04-18 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - MS
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Luciano Édipo (lucianoedipo) in the Ubuntu Brasil - MS (ubuntu-br-ms) team has expired. <https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-br-ms> Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchp

[Conselhobrasil] fabricioazor declined by fnogueira

2013-04-28 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - MS
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership status of Fabricio Azor (fabricioazor) in the team Ubuntu Brasil - MS (ubuntu-br-ms) was changed by Fábio Nogueira (fnogueira) from Proposed to Declined. <https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-br-ms> Fábio Nogueira said: Olá, Verificamos que efetu

[Conselhobrasil] fabricioazor wants to join

2013-04-28 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - MS
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, Fabricio Azor (fabricioazor) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brasil - MS (ubuntu-br-ms), but this is a moderated team, so that membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by following the link below. https://launchpad.net

[Conselhobrasil] rodrigojimmy expired from team

2013-04-17 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - MS
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of RodrigoJimmy (rodrigojimmy) in the Ubuntu Brasil - MS (ubuntu-br-ms) team has expired. <https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-br-ms> Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchp

[Conselhobrasil] eventoslivres declined by tiagohillebrandt

2013-04-17 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - MS
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership status of Eventos Livres (eventoslivres) in the team Ubuntu Brasil - MS (ubuntu-br-ms) was changed by Tiago Hillebrandt (tiagohillebrandt) from Proposed to Declined. <https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-br-ms> Tiago Hillebrandt said: Olá, Verificam

[Conselhobrasil] marcusviniciusrnleal declined by tiagohillebrandt

2013-04-17 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - MS
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership status of Marcus Vinicius Romero Nobre Leal (marcusviniciusrnleal) in the team Ubuntu Brasil - MS (ubuntu-br-ms) was changed by Tiago Hillebrandt (tiagohillebrandt) from Proposed to Declined. <https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-br-ms> Tiago Hille

[Conselhobrasil] lucianoedipo extended their membership

2013-04-15 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - MS
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, Luciano Édipo (lucianoedipo) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu Brasil - MS (ubuntu-br-ms) team until 2014-04-18. <https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-br-ms> Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list:

[Conselhobrasil] jean-gomes89 expired from team

2012-04-18 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - MS
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Jean Gomes (jean-gomes89) in the Ubuntu Brasil - MS (ubuntu-br-ms) team has expired. <https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-br-ms> Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchp

[Conselhobrasil] fnogueira expired from team

2012-04-17 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - MS
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Fábio Nogueira (fnogueira) in the Ubuntu Brasil - MS (ubuntu-br-ms) team has expired. <https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-br-ms> Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchp

[Conselhobrasil] greyson-farias expired from team

2012-04-17 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - MS
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, The membership of Greyson Farias (greyson-farias) in the Ubuntu Brasil - MS (ubuntu-br-ms) team has expired. <https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-br-ms> Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list: https://launchp

[Conselhobrasil] rodrigojimmy extended their membership

2012-04-13 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - MS
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, RodrigoJimmy (rodrigojimmy) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu Brasil - MS (ubuntu-br-ms) team until 2013-04-18. <https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-br-ms> Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list:

[Conselhobrasil] lucianoedipo extended their membership

2012-04-12 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - MS
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, Luciano Édipo (lucianoedipo) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu Brasil - MS (ubuntu-br-ms) team until 2013-04-18. <https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-br-ms> Regards, The Launchpad team ___ Mailing list:

[Conselhobrasil] marcusviniciusrnleal wants to join

2011-06-23 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - MS
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil, Marcus Vinicius Romero Nobre Leal (marcusviniciusrnleal) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brasil - MS (ubuntu-br-ms), but this is a moderated team, so that membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by following the link below