Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Anderson Freitas (andersofft) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu
Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) team until 2025-10-29.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Gabriel (CoGUMm) Vilar (cogumm) renewed their own membership in the
Ubuntu Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) team until 2025-04-15.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Francisco Costa (fcostapb) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu
Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) team until 2025-04-15.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Adorilson (adorilson) in the team Ubuntu Brasil
- RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by the user from Approved to
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil is an
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Vinicius Vieira (vinicius3cta) in the team
Ubuntu Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas (wooldantas)
from Expired to Approved.
You received this email because your team Conselho
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of mayroncachina (mayroncachina) in the team
Ubuntu Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas (wooldantas)
from Expired to Approved.
You received this email because your team Conselho
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Silas Ferreira Tavares Martins Miranda(silocas)
(silasmir) in the team Ubuntu Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by
WoolDantas (wooldantas) from Expired to Approved.
You received this
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of vinicius victor medeiros maciel
(viniciusubuntero) in the team Ubuntu Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was
changed by WoolDantas (wooldantas) from Expired to Approved.
You received this email becaus
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Vagner Schoaba (vschoaba) in the team Ubuntu
Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas (wooldantas) from
Expired to Approved.
You received this email because your team Conselho
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of sanderson...@hotmail.com (sanderson-sd) in the
team Ubuntu Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas
(wooldantas) from Expired to Approved.
You received this email because you
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Rodolfo S Vidal (5ut61kze-contato-exq78otj) in
the team Ubuntu Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas
(wooldantas) from Expired to Approved.
You received this email because you
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Ricardo Augusto Barroso Gomes (chapzin) in the
team Ubuntu Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas
(wooldantas) from Expired to Approved.
You received this email because you
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Leandro Vital (leandrovital) in the team Ubuntu
Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas (wooldantas) from
Expired to Approved.
You received this email because your team Conselho
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Marcos Oliveira da Cruz (marcosoliveiradacruz)
in the team Ubuntu Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas
(wooldantas) from Expired to Approved.
You received this email because you
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Jurandy (jurandy) in the team Ubuntu Brasil -
RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas (wooldantas) from Expired to
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Jucieude Lucena (jucieudelucena) in the team
Ubuntu Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas (wooldantas)
from Expired to Approved.
You received this email because your team Co
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of José Ícaro Bezerra Clemente (anarkinhow) in the
team Ubuntu Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas
(wooldantas) from Expired to Approved.
You received this email because you
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Judson Borges (judsonab) in the team Ubuntu
Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas (wooldantas) from
Expired to Approved.
You received this email because your team Conselho
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Kevin William (kevinwinamp) in the team Ubuntu
Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas (wooldantas) from
Expired to Approved.
You received this email because your team Conselho
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of João Maurício (joaomauricio-natal) in the team
Ubuntu Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas (wooldantas)
from Expired to Approved.
You received this email because your team Co
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of José Edmilton (jedmiltonjr) in the team Ubuntu
Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas (wooldantas) from
Expired to Approved.
You received this email because your team Conselho
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Jonhnatha Trigueiro (joepreludian) in the team
Ubuntu Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas (wooldantas)
from Expired to Approved.
You received this email because your team Co
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Hugo (hugoleeonardo) in the team Ubuntu Brasil
- RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas (wooldantas) from Expired
to Approved.
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Bra
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Ismael Gomes (ismaelanalista) in the team
Ubuntu Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas (wooldantas)
from Expired to Approved.
You received this email because your team Conselho
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Greyson Farias (greyson-farias) in the team
Ubuntu Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas (wooldantas)
from Expired to Approved.
You received this email because your team Co
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Fátima de Menezes Dantas (fatima-menezes19) in
the team Ubuntu Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas
(wooldantas) from Expired to Approved.
You received this email because you
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Fábio Nogueira (fnogueira) in the team Ubuntu
Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas (wooldantas) from
Expired to Approved.
You received this email because your team Conselho
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Erasmo (erasmojpo) in the team Ubuntu Brasil -
RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas (wooldantas) from Expired to
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Bra
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Edigley Alexandre (edigleyallexandre) in the
team Ubuntu Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas
(wooldantas) from Expired to Approved.
You received this email because your team Co
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Eventos Livres (eventoslivres) in the team
Ubuntu Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas (wooldantas)
from Expired to Approved.
You received this email because your team Conselho
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Clemente Junior (clmnt-jr) in the team Ubuntu
Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas (wooldantas) from
Expired to Approved.
You received this email because your team Conselho
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Daniel Gusmão (dangusmao) in the team Ubuntu
Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas (wooldantas) from
Expired to Approved.
You received this email because your team Conselho
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of braulioareis (braulioareis) in the team Ubuntu
Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas (wooldantas) from
Expired to Approved.
You received this email because your team Conselho
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Carlos Augusto (carlosaugusto) in the team
Ubuntu Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas (wooldantas)
from Expired to Approved.
You received this email because your team Conselho
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Cledson Cavalcanti (cledsonitgames) in the team
Ubuntu Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas (wooldantas)
from Expired to Approved.
You received this email because your team Co
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Hugo Leonardo (hugoleeo) in the team Ubuntu
Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas (wooldantas) from
Expired to Approved.
You received this email because your team Conselho
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Andrew Vinícius Silva Moreira (andrew-vinicius-
deactivatedaccount-deactivatedaccount) in the team Ubuntu Brasil - RN
(ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas (wooldantas) from Expired to
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Alecsandro Ferreira Melo (aferreiramelo) in the
team Ubuntu Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas
(wooldantas) from Expired to Approved.
You received this email because you
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Adorilson (adorilson) in the team Ubuntu Brasil
- RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas (wooldantas) from Expired
to Approved.
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Abinoam Jr (abinoam) in the team Ubuntu Brasil
- RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas (wooldantas) from Expired
to Approved.
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Bra
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Anderson Freitas (andersofft) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu
Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) team until 2024-10-29.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Francisco Costa (fcostapb) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu
Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) team until 2024-04-15.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Gabriel (CoGUMm) Vilar (cogumm) renewed their own membership in the
Ubuntu Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) team until 2024-04-15.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Clemente Junior (clmnt-jr) in the Ubuntu Brasil - RN
(ubuntu-br-rn) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil is an admin of
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Anderson Freitas (andersofft) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu
Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) team until 2023-10-30.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Francisco Costa (fcostapb) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu
Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) team until 2023-04-16.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Gabriel (CoGUMm) Vilar (cogumm) renewed their own membership in the
Ubuntu Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) team until 2023-04-16.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Vinicius Vieira (vinicius3cta) in the Ubuntu Brasil -
RN (ubuntu-br-rn) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil is an admin o
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Rodolfo S Vidal (5ut61kze-contato-exq78otj) in the
Ubuntu Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Daniel Gusmão (dangusmao) in the Ubuntu Brasil - RN
(ubuntu-br-rn) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil is an admin of
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Alecsandro Ferreira Melo (aferreiramelo) in the Ubuntu
Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil is an
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Erasmo (erasmojpo) in the Ubuntu Brasil - RN (ubuntu-
br-rn) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil is an admin of
the Ubuntu
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Andrew Vinícius Silva Moreira (andrew-vinicius-
deactivatedaccount-deactivatedaccount) in the Ubuntu Brasil - RN
(ubuntu-br-rn) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
You received this email b
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Judson Borges (judsonab) in the Ubuntu Brasil - RN
(ubuntu-br-rn) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil is an admin of
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Cledson Cavalcanti (cledsonitgames) in the Ubuntu
Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil is an ad
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Edigley Alexandre (edigleyallexandre) in the Ubuntu
Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil is an ad
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Abinoam Jr (abinoam) in the Ubuntu Brasil - RN
(ubuntu-br-rn) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil is an admin of
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Kevin William (kevinwinamp) in the Ubuntu Brasil - RN
(ubuntu-br-rn) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil is an admin o
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of João Maurício (joaomauricio-natal) in the Ubuntu
Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil is an ad
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of sanderson...@hotmail.com (sanderson-sd) in the Ubuntu
Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil is an
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of vinicius victor medeiros maciel (viniciusubuntero) in
the Ubuntu Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Bra
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Adorilson (adorilson) in the Ubuntu Brasil - RN
(ubuntu-br-rn) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil is an admin of
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Leandro Vital (leandrovital) in the Ubuntu Brasil - RN
(ubuntu-br-rn) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil is an admin o
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Fátima de Menezes Dantas (fatima-menezes19) in the
Ubuntu Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Hugo Leonardo (hugoleeo) in the Ubuntu Brasil - RN
(ubuntu-br-rn) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil is an admin of
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of braulioareis (braulioareis) in the Ubuntu Brasil - RN
(ubuntu-br-rn) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil is an admin o
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Greyson Farias (greyson-farias) in the Ubuntu Brasil -
RN (ubuntu-br-rn) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil is an admin o
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Marcos Oliveira da Cruz (marcosoliveiradacruz) in the
Ubuntu Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Hugo (hugoleeonardo) in the Ubuntu Brasil - RN
(ubuntu-br-rn) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil is an admin of
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of mayroncachina (mayroncachina) in the Ubuntu Brasil -
RN (ubuntu-br-rn) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil is an admin o
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Eventos Livres (eventoslivres) in the Ubuntu Brasil -
RN (ubuntu-br-rn) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil is an admin o
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of José Ícaro Bezerra Clemente (anarkinhow) in the Ubuntu
Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil is an
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Ismael Gomes (ismaelanalista) in the Ubuntu Brasil -
RN (ubuntu-br-rn) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil is an admin o
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Jonhnatha Trigueiro (joepreludian) in the Ubuntu
Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil is an ad
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Vagner Schoaba (vschoaba) in the Ubuntu Brasil - RN
(ubuntu-br-rn) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil is an admin of
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Fábio Nogueira (fnogueira) in the Ubuntu Brasil - RN
(ubuntu-br-rn) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil is an admin of
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Ricardo Augusto Barroso Gomes (chapzin) in the Ubuntu
Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil is an
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Silas Ferreira Tavares Martins Miranda(silocas)
(silasmir) in the Ubuntu Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Carlos Augusto (carlosaugusto) in the Ubuntu Brasil -
RN (ubuntu-br-rn) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil is an admin o
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Jucieude Lucena (jucieudelucena) in the Ubuntu Brasil
- RN (ubuntu-br-rn) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil is an admin o
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Jurandy (jurandy) in the Ubuntu Brasil - RN (ubuntu-
br-rn) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil is an admin of
the Ubuntu
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Clemente Junior (clmnt-jr) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu
Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) team until 2022-10-30.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Anderson Freitas (andersofft) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu
Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) team until 2022-10-30.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Francisco Costa (fcostapb) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu
Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) team until 2022-04-16.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Gabriel (CoGUMm) Vilar (cogumm) renewed their own membership in the
Ubuntu Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) team until 2022-04-16.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of José Edmilton (jedmiltonjr) in the Ubuntu Brasil - RN
(ubuntu-br-rn) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil is an admin o
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of José Ícaro Bezerra Clemente (anarkinhow) in the
team Ubuntu Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas
(wooldantas) from Expired to Approved.
You received this email because you
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Kevin William (kevinwinamp) in the team Ubuntu
Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas (wooldantas) from
Expired to Approved.
You received this email because your team Conselho
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Marcos Oliveira da Cruz (marcosoliveiradacruz)
in the team Ubuntu Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas
(wooldantas) from Expired to Approved.
You received this email because you
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Rodolfo S Vidal (5ut61kze-contato-exq78otj) in
the team Ubuntu Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas
(wooldantas) from Expired to Approved.
You received this email because you
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of mayroncachina (mayroncachina) in the team
Ubuntu Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas (wooldantas)
from Expired to Approved.
You received this email because your team Conselho
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Silas Ferreira Tavares Martins Miranda(silocas)
(silasmir) in the team Ubuntu Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by
WoolDantas (wooldantas) from Expired to Approved.
You received this
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of sanderson...@hotmail.com (sanderson-sd) in the
team Ubuntu Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas
(wooldantas) from Expired to Approved.
You received this email because you
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of João Maurício (joaomauricio-natal) in the team
Ubuntu Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas (wooldantas)
from Expired to Approved.
You received this email because your team Co
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Ricardo Augusto Barroso Gomes (chapzin) in the
team Ubuntu Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas
(wooldantas) from Expired to Approved.
You received this email because you
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Leandro Vital (leandrovital) in the team Ubuntu
Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas (wooldantas) from
Expired to Approved.
You received this email because your team Conselho
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Jucieude Lucena (jucieudelucena) in the team
Ubuntu Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas (wooldantas)
from Expired to Approved.
You received this email because your team Co
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of vinicius victor medeiros maciel
(viniciusubuntero) in the team Ubuntu Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was
changed by WoolDantas (wooldantas) from Expired to Approved.
You received this email becaus
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Jurandy (jurandy) in the team Ubuntu Brasil -
RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas (wooldantas) from Expired to
You received this email because your team Conselho Ubuntu Brasil
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Judson Borges (judson-borges) in the team
Ubuntu Brasil - RN (ubuntu-br-rn) was changed by WoolDantas (wooldantas)
from Expired to Approved.
You received this email because your team Conselho
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