Post builds from Continuum?

2006-03-20 Thread cdesaint
Hi, I'm using Continuum to successfully build by 6 module project that is in Subversion. However, what I would like to do and can't figure out is how to allow people access to the latest builds. I know that the will contain the latest build, but that does not necessarily mean all modules - jus

Re: soap interface

2006-03-20 Thread Lee Meador
I hate replying to myself. I got the source for continuum from svn with svn co continuum and the soap client classes mentioned in the docs are not there under the same names. I searched the file system for "Project" and it's not there. Any

Re: soap interface

2006-03-20 Thread Lee Meador
I thought of looking in application.xml and noticed the xml-rpc port is 8000. The 8080 port gives 404. The 8000 port says, "method GET not implemented (try POST)" The rest of the URL is that same as below. Is there any other documentation for writing a SOAP client? Does anyone know the right U