Hey all,


    First - Continuum is awesome.  It has some feature-gaps in 1.0.x that
make it not quite what I need, but what it does so far is still worth the
effort of the workarounds, especially since they're fairly temporary.  1.1
features look to me like they will make Continuum exactly the ticket for my
CI needs.  I'm really proud of you guys - especially for making such a
comfortable interface with which to configure it.  In the open-source world,
it's kind of rare that such attention to ease-of-use gets given.


    Anyway, enough flattery.  I mentioned temporary workarounds, and I am
trying to figure out how temporary.  Obviously you folks can't make
commitments on release schedules, but do you have any estimates as to
potential release horizons?  The thing is I'm planning several roll-outs of
environments, and Continuum 1.0.x is not quite enough, but if the timelines
are short enough, I will possibly do so anyway, in order not to get people
hooked on a less easy-to-maintain-and-configure alternative.  I'm basically
on pins and needles, so as much info as you can provide, the better.


    Also, if there is any developer build documentation for special build
considerations when checking out of SVN, pointers to such docs would be
great.  There are bugs I think I might be able to fix, but I've had little
initial luck checking out either trunk or 1.0.x and building.  Now I haven't
had much time to put effort into it, but if there are obvious gotchas that
can be avoided with a smidge of readme, it would be awesome.






christian gruber + agile coach and architect

Israfil Consulting Services Corporation

email [EMAIL PROTECTED] + bus +1 (905) 640-1119

cell: +1 (416) 998-6023 + cell: +1 (410) 900-0796


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