"Ad Vielle," by Erik Weberg, was written for "Oddville Cupola," the 3-part
contra dance tune by Claude Ginsberg.
Ad Vielle (Oddville)
Erik Weberg
Duple, improper
Start in wavy line across, Larks in middle by R, partner by L
A1 Wave of 4 balance forward & back (all drop hands, walk to new waves)
Don --
You helped with this when I was writing it.
"The Lowdown" was cionstructed for a medley of "Lowdown Hoedown" and "Beth
Cohen's Reel" by Larry Ungar. (Normal length, and there' some old-timey tunes
that work well with it too.)
(Not sure why it's deprecated on Caller's Box.)
I'm looking for recommendations for contras written to specifically match a
given tune, square or crooked. Obviously, there's singing squares, the
Chestnuts and some well known examples like David Kaynor's Cherokee
Shuffle. I'm looking for other examples of excellent "modern era" dances
perfectly c