
I was wondering if it was possible in the current version of cooker to
install GNOME and not have any kde or qt packages installed.  I do not
need these packages as all the applications I deal with are gtk+/gnome
based and I see no need to waste diskspace on kde/qt libs.

I know with Mandrake 7.1 I had to force the removal of QT and various KDE
libs because parts of DrakConf had needless dependencies on them.  (I
don't understand why Mandrake uses kdesu and doesn't bother using a gnome
alternative for gnome desktops)

Also, will this version make it easy to remove the "menu" package?  I
detest the KDE menu structure being forced upon GNOME.  The menus are too 
deep and lots of worthless stuff is placed in the menus.  I would like to
install helix gnome without having to spend a half hour "de-kde"fying a
system when I explicity told the installer I wanted GNOME, and not
KDE.  (if I have kde checked off, I do not want any of KDE installed... is
that too difficult?)  BTW, has anyone tried a helix gnome install on 7.2
beta 3 yet?

Also I have noticed there is something called QTCups?  does this mean I
will be forced to have QT installed just to print?

Please CC: me as I am offlist. 

Thanks for your time....

Bruce A. Locke                

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