I tried installing the new beta, so I figured the results could be 
useful. I'm running a Quicksilver G4/733 with the GeForce2MX video card. 
Sorry if I seem critical, I really do appreciate all the work that 
people have put into Mandrake, I mean all my criticism to be 
constructive :-). If you have anything you'd like me to test out, or if 
you need more information about anything, I'll do what I can.

        - install-riva doesn't work, when second stage install starts the 
graphics are huge, and "stretched" horizontally. There are also small 
thick vertical black lines all over, and.
        - install-novideo makes everything in the second stage into this 
really ugly shade of blue; mouse tracking is bad also.
        - My monitor, a Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 73, is listed when I'm 
asked to select the monitor I'm using. It wasn't listed in either the 
Yellow Dog or Debian installers, so good job :-)
        - X won't start up properly. When the system boots and the display 
manager tries starting X, my monitor seems to stop receiving any signal. 
Using "Cmd-Ctrl-FKey" to switch to a tty doesn't work after this, so I'm 
forced to reset my computer.

Hard Drive partitioning:
        - My partition setup before installing looked like this (as gleaned 
from pdisk):
                hda6            HFS+
                hda12   HFS
                hda7            HFS+
                hda8            HFS+
                hda9            10 MB yaboot bootstrap
                hda10   128 MB swap
                hda11   ext2
Yes, the partition that's physically earlier on disk is hda12, that's 
because of the order I set it up with pdisk. The Mandrake installer just 
numbered them in physical order, eg hda12->hda7, and every partition 
after that has its number incremented by one.
        - I wanted to initialize the ext2 partition, and it wasn't clear at 
first how to do so, so I selected "Custom partitioning" and deleted it, 
then wanted to add it again...but there wasn't any obvious way to add a 
partition. I still don't know how to do so through the installer.
        - After experimenting with the partitioner a bit, I decided to back 
out and set up the partitions myself before installing again. But after 
hitting "cancel" or "exit" a few times, and hitting "no" when asked 
whether to write the new partition map, I found on restart into OS X 
that my partition map was changed.

        - The package lists seems very up-to-date including a recent 
kernel, Nautilus, etc.
        - I like the ability to set up automatic log-in.
        - When I get to the printer setup dialog, I get the message "An 
error occured: foomatic rpm not found."
        - There doesn't seem to be any way to select a timezone. There's a 
label on the screen that details my mouse, keyboard, printer settings 
that says "timezone", but there's nothing in the associated selection 
        - After installation, I had to set the boot device in OF; booting 
with yaboot was not autmoatic. Note that the Debian and YDL installers 
seem to have this working.
        - I get a few errors during startup:
                - "Finding module dependencies: unresolved symbols" and then a 
list that included something about fdomain_cs in a scsi module, and 
something else. Sorry I can't be more specific, the X problem above 
meant that I crashed just after startup, so I couldn't really access 
system logs.
                - "Loading USB interface (modprobe): Can't locate    FAILED"
                - At one point I saw a "starting pcmcia" error. I'm on a 
desktop, I'm not sure why pcmcia support is being started.

        - "Cancel" buttons during the installer often do nothing. It might 
make more sense for them to quit the installer and reboot. At some 
points I got stuck during the install, it would have been nice to have a 
way to reboot cleanly.
        - During the first stage, there's a message on the bottom of the 
screen that says "Alt-F4 for kernel logs", etc. At least on my computer, 
it's really Cmd-Ctrl-F4 instead.

I hope this is of use,

Dave Vasilevsky

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