Hi all,
It's nice to see some interest in Zope on the Cooker mailing list. I use
Zope out of my Win98 box, mainly because it is so easy to install "out of
the box". If Zope could be made to install easily on Mandrake-Linux, GREAT!!
Here's what I know about Zope.

> 2) Zope seems to require python 1.5, the Zope package in cooker doesn't
> compile due to this --> mymath.h seems to be needed, see:
> The 2.2.4 package from the 7.2 updates produces similar results when
> rebuilt;

Zope.org (or the guys at Digital Creations who administer Zope) only
guarantees Zope to work woth Python 1.5.2. There is currently a project
project to migrate Zope to Python 2.0, see

> 3) The latest release of Zope is 2.2.5 (http://www.zope.org/);

> 4) Configuring Zope to make it work with an other webserver (let's say:
> apache) requires quite some magick (I've found out that I'm too stupid
> for it, as I gave up the last time I tried). Hints on how todo this
> point to serveral URL's, documentation etc. It should be possible to
> make this easier --> make it work out-of-the-box;
Yes, you need to know something about PCGI or FastCGI. Since I started using
Zope I have no need to use Apache or My SQL. The Zope ZServer is more than
adequate for my local prototyping requirements. Admittedly my database
requirements are very small and the Zope Object database gives me what I

> 5) Zope.org only delivers a tgz file, not RPM's. The Zope src.rpm's seem
> to be originating from: http://starship.python.net/crew/jrush/Zope/
> (correct me if I'm wrong);
The Zope rpms on this site are way out of date and they are generic
i386.rpms. It would be better to have Mandrake Zope rpms. If I knoew how to
make Mandrake RPMs, I would but at this stage it is a bit more that I can
currently handle.

> 6) Is anybody actually using this stuff? Please speak up!!
I am still a Zope newbie but I love it. It is completely plateform
independent (IMHO). I use it out-of-the-box with its own webserver, object
database and search engine.

> 7) There are tonnes of Zope applications out there which (when packaged)
> could make building a nice ASP site trivial;
Very true!! If you become familiar with the Zope Portal Tool Kit (PTK),
ZClasses and the ZOPE API, You could build just about anything ;-)

> 8) Maintaining this package must be hell;
>From memory, Zope installed out-of-the-box on my Mandrake 7.2 box. Most of
the source is Python code anyway, but your Python path must point to Python
1.5.2. I had problems when I had Python 2.0 installed initially.

Ot Ratsaphong

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