
The paranoid line of thinking:

The gaming industry is today larger than the film industry.

Games are sold on the feeling given to the player, which is among other 
things made available through splendid graphics.

Microsoft have earlier been 'alone' in giving anti alaised fonts.

Nvidia is today the de facto leaderer in graphics card.

On this weaks kernel traffic Alan Cox have said something along the line: 
*All programs have bugs, but not knowing the bug makes it difficult to patch 

Now read this excerpt from an email on the newbie list: 

"I e-mailed Nvidia and got the following responce:

There was a change in the FSAA with the 1251 drivers that didnt get updated
with the documentation.  The __GL_FSAA_QUALITY variable is no longer
correct.  It is now __GL_FSAA_MODE.  Setting it to 3 will enable 1.5x1.5,
and setting it to 4 with enable 2x2.  Any other value for your card will not
provide FSAA.

This is an undocumented change in the drivers and may interest those who
have upgraded and then lost some functionality."

The paranoide question: Have Microsoft used its muscles towards NVIDIA, to 
make some of the last refinements to its drivers for Linux, not to be known 
by the Linux user?

If you are inclined to answer the question with *probably* then we the users 
should send more direct questions to NVIDIA to learn to know more bugs.


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