Don Head wrote:

> Since I'm in a posting mood, I'm going to list another
> minor annoyance/pet peeve thing.
> There's 4 groups on my system, not added by me, that are
> GID 500 or greater.  500 and up is my user GID space.  I
> usually move 500+ and up from /etc/group and /etc/passwd
> from system to system when I upgrade, so my users don't
> have to change their passwords and such.  So I have a
> few GIDs.. 500, 501, 502, 503.. that are now duplicated
> because some RPM added groups without using the 100-400
> range.  Can these please get fixed?
> nogroup:x:500:
> xgrp:x:501:xfs
> ntools:x:502:
> ctools:x:503:

> Not sure where they're coming from, but hopefully someone
> will recognize them.

You appear to have installed developer packages and/or upped your 
security level after the install.

Move them by editing /etc/group by hand, then use find with chgrp to fix 
any files they own (OOO is old groupid, NNN is new, and I'm guessing 
this syntax, try it first with echo instead of chgrp to see what happens):

     find / -path /home -prune -o -group OOO -exec chgrp NNN {} \;

Good day to ask deep questions.  Why is it called an afterlife, when
really it's an afterdeath?  And why do people always talk about
"going into the light", who have had near-death experiences?  Isn't
that rather moth-like behavior for an ex-mammal?  What if that's
really some sort of spiritual bug-zapper? -- Fred Barling, Humorscope

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