I'm running an Athlon 550 on an Asus K7M.  I downloaded and burned the
Oxygen ISO.  I believe it was dated 12/22/1999.

I'm trying to install using Lnx4Win.  I ask for a 1400MB partition and a
64MB swap.  Everything seems ok.  The partition is built and formatted as is
the swap space.  I get the graphical install

I don't remember the exact order of the questions, but these are the options
I choose
English language.
Custom Install
Developer (or normal generates the same error.)
English Keyboard
Select ALL Packages presented.
Install begins.

The install crashes when it get to glibc.  I believe glibc is the 4th or 5th
package.  You guys probably know better than I do.  But anyway ... the
install crashes out to the console, and displays the message that it's now
ok to shut the system off.

This seems to happen religiously with every install option except the
recommended.  But then it only installs about 100MB of stuff.  I realize
that I could go and install packages individually, but that's no fun.  :-)
Then only thing I haven't tried is to install glibc after I do that
recommended install.

I've tried installing from the burner I made the CD on and my Toshiba 32x
reader.  I also tried to install the CD on my work computer (Celery 400)
under VMWare.  Everything installed just fine.  No problems.

Near as I can tell, it's either an Athlon, K7M or Lnx4Win issue.

Any ideas?


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