
Just installed Beta 4 as a clean install in Expert mode.

One thing I noticed throughout all the Beta's so far is that when
you are asked for the network information you are asked for
hostname (where I enter my FQDN machine.mydomain.com), 
ip address etc but the resolv.conf doesn't reflect the domainname
in the search domain entries.

The only entry there is  search localdomain . This is also the
name that is listed in /etc/sysconfig/network in the DOMAINNAME
line, even though the HOSTNAME shows the FQDN

So usually (Beta 1 - 3) all I need to do is to change the resolv.conf
to search mydomain.com and I am rolling.

Not so in Beta4. I cannot ping machine as I get unknown host.
If I do a nslookup it successfully resolves machine to machine.mydomain.com

also if I type in the command host I get the FQDN machine.mydomain.com

I even started to try changing the lookup orders in host.conf and
nsswitch.conf but still no success.

On startup everything loads with no failure, dmesg shows no errors and I just 
did an update 
to packages from cooker as of this morning and still no go.

Thank you


P.S. BTW if you do a network install with the network.img image
  instead of the CD's then it asks during the network configuration if
  you want to retain the information entered during the booting of the
  floppy and then it actually puts that information into the resolv.conf
  But in this instance with Beta4 still a nogo to just use the machine name
  without the domain part for any commands like ping, etc.....

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