
I have recently tried connecting a Palm m130 device to the USB port for the 
first time and it doesn't appear to work with Cooker.

Having read the pilot-link web pages, how-tos, man pages etc. I was expecting 
to `lsmod' and see usbcore, usb-uhci, usbserial and visor. All I see is 
usbcore and usb-uhci.

Pressing the Hot Sync button produces a KPilot icon on the KDe desktop.
Pressing this launches KPilot which reports:
22:11:53  Trying to open device...
22:11:53  Could not open device: /dev/pilot (will retry)

`lsmod' output is usbcore and usb-uhci
/dev/pilot is a symbolic link to /dev/usb/tts/1

`modprobe'ing usbserial and visor make no difference at all
`lsmod' produces the output:
visor                     10440   0
usbserial              21468   0  [visor]
usb-uhci               24652   0  (unused)
usbcore                72992   1  [usbdnet visor usbserial usb-uhci]

The Pilot is connected via the cradle cable. It makes no difference if 
"Cradle/Cable" or "Direct USB/Serial" options are chosen on the Pilot before 
doing the Hot Sync.

Running `addresses' outputs:
   No $PILOTPORT specified and no -p <port> given.
   Defaulting to '/dev/pilot'

   ERROR: No such device (19)

   Press the HotSync button first and relaunch this conduit..

   Unable to bind to port: /dev/pilot

So, how does KDE pick up the fact that there is a Palm attached when none of 
the USB modules know about it !!! None of the pilot-link programs can contact 

Could some one tell me how to get this device to work properly please :-)


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