This is going to be a long and strange one...

Two days ago I decided to do a network install of Cooker directly off RPMFIND's
ftp site.  Everything worked great, though it took a few tries on the mouse
setup to get my USB IntelliMouse to work.  So, after that install I had the
following drive setup:

18GB Quantum Fireball IDE drive
 /hda1 - Windows98 (FAT32 ~7.5GB)
 /hda6 - Swap (128MB)
 /hda7 - /home (ext2 ~2GB)
 /hda8 - /usr (ext2 ~7GB)
 /hda9 - Stuff (FAT32 ~2GB)

Yesterday I ran MandrakeUpdate to grab the latest updates.  I'm mainly using
Linux for play, so stability isn't a big issue.  MandrakeUpdate complained
about all the .rpms saying they weren't signed correctly, or GnuPG wasn't
installed correctly, but I ignored them all and installed anyway.

Everything seemed to work, though trying to Reboot from KDM hangs most times,
so the drives don't get unmounted cleanly.  But, when I tried to reboot back to
Win98 through LILO it hung before saying "Booting Win98..."!  I then tried my
trusty Win98 boot floppy, also hangs at the same point.  To make a long story
  Win98 HD - Hang!
  Win98 Boot Floppy - Hang!
  Win98 Boot Floppy with HD disabled in BIOS - OK?!?!?!, but no HD :(
  Linux Rescue Boot Floppy - OK
  Linux Install CD - OK
  Linux off HD - OK
  DOS Boot Floppy - OK, but no FAT32, so still no HD :(

I could still see all the data on the Win98 drive through Linux, so I copied
everything I wanted to save off to other various partitions.  Then I deleted
the /hda1 partition with PartitionMagic.  Created a new FAT16 partition (only
2GB) and rebooted with Win98 floppy.  Still Hangs!  I've also tried "fdisk
/mbr" to the boot drive, which removes LILO/GRUB quite nicely, but has no
effect on my booting woes.

I'm going to try reinstalling Win98 on the 2GB FAT16 partition and see what
happens, but I'm not real hopeful.

What in the heck could cause this?!?  And more importantly, how do I fix it?!?

-John Reddersen

_____  .,,        __________________________________________
   /_  _/ (. .)      /  John Reddersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  /
 __ / /_oOO(_)OOo_  / "If at first you don't succeed, so much /
/ // / , / ' / | / /    for skydiving!" -- unknown author    /
\___/___/_/_/_|_/ /_________________________________________/

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