These are much too late for 7.1, obviously, but reflect some things I'd
like to see implemented in the future.

1) The abilty to add newly created users to groups during install.  At
   least for common groups like "users".

2) a configuration file for msec that tells it that certain files are
   allowed to be world writeable.  Esp. files like this list I get in
   my mailbox everyday:

   /tmp,  /tmp/.ICE-unix, /tmp/.ICE-unix/1033, /tmp/.ICE-unix/11265,
   /tmp/.ICE-unix/11439, /tmp/.ICE-unix/11509, /tmp/.X11-unix,
   /tmp/.X11-unix/X0 . . . .

   As you can see, these files are created by the system as world

   Other examples are the files from inside /var/spool/postfix/private.  
   They may have world writeable permissions, but they are not regular
   files and they are in a directory owned by postfix with perms 0700

3) Ability to select which kernel the /boot/vmlinuz symlink points to
   during install.  Yes, you can set whichever kernel to be the default
   during the lilo configuration, but this is a nicety.  Especially
   considering that the mdk kernel is installed by default and some ppl
   want to also have other kernels (fb, secure, linus, etc.)

      ( )   *    Anton Graham
      /v\  /     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    /(   )X
     (m_m)       GPG ID: 18F78541
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