 I have just completed a fresh install on a brand new machine for a
client and I must say all went Very Well.
My client was very impressed with the speed of the install and was very
pleased with the addition of the Crypto Packages. I also installed for
him the latest 128 bit version of netscape I could find at the mirrors
as well as mozilla-fonts and he was pleased with the difference in the
appearence of the netscape browser.
 I only noticed one small thing when the system was booting up that I
thought to be peculiar. This client is using a ZOOM 56k dualmode modem
from his office and initiates the ppp connection at boot. The modem
seems to dial rather slow allthough the S register S111=155 and as a
result in the bootup screen init says failed to initialize ppp, however
by the time login is completed the connection is there and the interface
ppp0 is configured. I was looking in the scripts to determine what I
might be able to change to have the boot proces wait until ppp
initialization is complete before continuing to avoid this failed
message and can't seem to find an good approach to use. Possibly someone
either from Mandrake or the list could offer a suggestion as to what I
might try. I also noticed that the sendmail daemon also does not start
at boot even though it is enabled in setup. I added an additional call
in rc.local /etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail start and that seems to get the
daemon started at that point..
 Great Job and congrat's to all the Mandrake developers!

        Best wishe's,

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