Shad Van Den Hul wrote:

> Other than the few bugs I already posted, I can not boot to the
> "hack"kernel.  The kernel stuff loads and properly detects my Scsi card
> (AIC) , but there is an error initializing agp.  The boot continues fine
> until it gets to mounting filesystems when info spew across the scren and
> ends in a segmentation fault.  All my linux partions are reiserfs.  My
> System configuration:
> K6-2 400                        ALi Aladdin V 1543/1541 Mobo
> Rage Fury (rage128 32mb)        SB Live!Value
> D-Link DFE530tx+ (rtl8139)      Adaptec scsi AIC 71xx
> USR Sportser 33.6               Pioneer DVD
> Ricoh MP6200s                   Alcatel Speedtouch DSL Modem
> 20.5gb IBM Deskstar             30.5gb Maxtor Diamond
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thank you i'm not the only one!!! i have pretty much the same system except
i have k6-2 380 and a matrox agp g200 (8meg)

i have the same resutls when booting the hackkernel , and i get segfault's
on trying to compile the hackkernel source.


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