> Where have you seen that claim regarding 6.0 or 6.1?
> We claim 100% compatibility for 5.x releases, 99% for 6.x


That's one of the advert banners on the linux-mandrake site.

Also, but don't quote me on that, I believe Gael Duval said something very
similar to that in an interview that I followed via a Slashdot link.

Like I said, it was more curiosity than anything else that drove my
question, since you folks have quite adeptly created a kick-butt
distribution - RedHat made using Linux a lot easier, but they slipped very
quickly in quality; Mandrake 'fixes' the RedHat distro in my eyes, and also
adds certain touches that make it fun to use (like a web-site where you can
actually get answers to problems from people that actually respond, and a
GUI that you can actually use).

Most of teh questions/concerns I had about some left-over issues in 6.1
appear to be addressed in 'cooker', so the open development model, again, is
a great idea.

Unfortunately, at this point, I do not see RedHat doing the smart thing and
adopting those ideas anytime soon - that's why I run Mandrake.

Beauty, brains, availability, personality  - pick any two.

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