
I just downloaded the 7.1 ISOs and tried to do a fresh expert install on 
my new IBM DTLA-307030 (30.7 GB):

 a) Partitioning with the graphical tool was impossible
    (unknown partition table, lot's of errors)
 b) Calling 'fdisk /dev/hda' on the second console causes
    Segmentation faults (reproducable)
 c) After the first write of a partition-plan with the graphical
    tool, 'fdisk /dev/hda' seems to work. I used the following

    -> Cyl   0 -    6 : /boot (54 MB, /dev/hda1)
             7 -   71 : swap  (509 MB, /dev/hda2)
            72 - 1245 : /mnt/win (9209 MB, Win95-32Bit, LBA, /dev/hda3)
          1246 - 3320 : /     (~ 15 GB, /dev/hda5)
          3321 - 3594 : /mnt/exchange, /dev/hda6

 d) After choosing the mountpoints with the graphical tool I choosed to
    select individual pakets. This results in:

    unknown installer class developer in comssList
    unknown installer class developer in comssList
    Illegal dvision by zero in install_steps_gtk.pm line 303

    The installation tools reports that no 'hdlists' can be found and
    jumps back to partition-tool.

Installation in expert-mode is impossible. 

Any help is welcome (and NO, I do now want to use the simple-user-mode)...

Ciao, Oliver
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 (INFORMATIONEN, das ist das, was zwischen dem springenden 2MB grossen
 Kobold, dem Real-Audio-Button und der XXX-For-Free Werbung steht) ist,
 taugt Lynx wirklich viel." [Lakmal Gunasekara in de.comp.os.linux.misc]
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