No problems installing just the first CD,  but when I add the second
into the mix the
following two issues crept up:

1./  I only had enough disk space for ~93% of the packages the way I had
my partitions
      set.  Once I installed these, it complained a few steps further in
about various errors
      (most probably due to it running out of disk space).  When I
installed with 87% of the
      packages, this problem went away.

2./  I never got networking to come up with both CD's installed.  A huge
number of errors
      related to strcpy's I believe during the bootup process.
Installing just the first CD from
      scratch made everything work like a charm.  I tried with both CD's
a few times before
      finally giving up and just installing with the first one.

Sorry this is a little vague; I was mainly interested in trying to get
the packages installed
and didn't record any of the specific messages 8-(   Hope it helps


Thomas Orth, M.Sc.                        |mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]|
Senior Software Developer                 | phone:            (403) 215-0100| Inc.       (OTC BB:FRTI) |   fax:            (403) 215-0101|               +---------------------------------+

"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away."--PKD

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