I am having problems with various aplications that use the sound when i
run X using KDE 2.0 or 2.0.1 and the sounds are initiated. VGB doesn't
runs because the sound couldn't start, tux_avqh runs, but without sound
and Xmms runs just sometimes. 
Using ps -ef you could see a line more o less like this:
artsd -F S -S 8192 -d-; if you kill this, then everything with sounds
runs fine. Also if you desactivate the sound in KDE all this programes
run with sound.
Of course, if you start X using other windows manager (Gnome, Ice, etc.)
there are not problems with all these programes.
It seems that the sound support in KDE 2 it is not fine; for example I
haven reached to have sounds when I change from one virtual screen to
another (this runed fine with previous versions of KDE).
Is this a bug of the rpms used or a bug in KDE?

Francisco Alcaraz
Murcia (Spain)

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