
VERSION (rsync ftp.uninett.no)
Mandrake Linux Cooker-i586 20010730 23:18
/ChangeLog/1.524/Mon Jul 30 17:33:36 2001//

This is an old one, first reported by someone else.

When first launched Terminal is set in size 80x40 but to small fonts for me. 
I change fonts to huge, succesfully, and then size to 80x25, but in the 
dialog the settings are now twofold i.e. both 80x25 and 80x40 are now 
checked. Then I change scheme to black on yellow succesfully. When mc is 
launched it is as usual with boarders.

Reboot of XFree86.

Now Terminal is launched in right scheme, 80x25 as size, but in settings 
80x40 is checked. When I launch mc it has no boarders. I dont trust this so I 
use Xterm which has a correct looking mc.

When I reboot XFree86 with Xterm still up, it reports: Error Font '10x20' not 


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