Le Lundi 27 Août 2001 02:58, vous avez écrit :

Very amazing.
Does your /etc/modules.conf correctly configured ?
For me there's 2 methods :
+ install with rpm but keep the old kernel :
]# rpm -ivh --force kernel-headers-2.4.8-12mdk.i586.rpm
]# rpm -ivh kernel-source-2.4.8-12mdk.i586.rpm
]# rpm -ivh kernel-2.4.8-12mdk.i586.rpm
]# /usr/share/loader/make-initrd 2.4.8-12mdk

after I modify /etc/lilo.conf or /boot/grub/menu.lst :
        + /etc/lilo.conf : 
                I had this :
                                append=" hdc=ide-scsi devfs=mount"
For the previuos kernel, I replace the symlinks (vmlinuz , initrd.img ) by 
their realnames ( vmlinuz-2.4.x-ymdk, initrd.img-2.4.x-ymdk ). It's because 
of the fact that the symlinks point now to the new kernel.
If you upgrade from a Mandrake 8.0, x = 3 and y = 20
        + /boot/grub/menu.lst :
                I had this :
                        title linux-248-12mdk
                        kernel (hd2,0)/vmlinuz-2.4.8-12mdk root=/dev/sdb6 hdc=ide-scsi 
                        initrd (hd2,0)/initrd-2.4.8-12mdk.img
Same manipulation for the names.
If you want to erase a version of the kernel , for exemple the kernel 
2.4.u-vmdk :
rpm -e --nodeps kernel-source-2.4.u-vmdk
rpm -e --nodeps kernel-headers-2.4.u-vmdk
rpm -e --nodeps kernel-2.4.u-vmdk

devfs=mount : to activate devfs, optionnal if you don't want to test it
hdc=ide-scsi : to emulate my IDE CD writer in a SCSI CD writer

+install with rpm but overwrite the old kernel :
]# rpm -Uvh --force kernel-headers-2.4.8-12mdk.i586.rpm
]# rpm -Uvh kernel-source-2.4.8-12mdk.i586.rpm
]# rpm -Uvh kernel-2.4.8-12mdk.i586.rpm
]# urpmi kernel-source
]# urpmi kernel

after just to be sure :
]# /usr/share/loader/make-initrd 2.4.8-12mdk

Normaly the boot loader has been updated and the symlinks point to the new 
kernel, but If you want you can make the same manipulation concerning the 
fact to replace the symlinks names by the right names, etc ...
this options is less secure as if you have a pb with this kernel ....
You'd better have in this case a vanilla kernel compiled by you.
> Hi Guys,
> I tried the new kernel today, however I must have done something wrong. I
> installed the new kernel, the system booted fine, however it did not load
> the modules for the hardware. When you download the RPM is it not supposed
> to read your current kernel config so you don't have to load any modules
> manually? If not, is there a guide which states what you're supposed to do
> when updating the Mandrake kernel via the RPM system?
> Thanks,
> Nelson Bartley
> NDBartley, Computer Services.

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