Whilst I'm thinking about it, what about putting the /usr/doc and similar
'statics' on a CDrom and giving the CDrom along with a laptop distribution and a
couple of scripts allowing you to mount this cd in place of your standard
/usr/doc and similar folders? It saves a lot of space on your average
distribution, and that gives you in essence an extra 600 megabytes of hard disk
space to use. Admittedly this means you'll have a lot of documentation and
static content that you might never have a use for, but hey, nothing's perfect.

I found that this was the only way I could get a full-size distribution on one
gigabyte of hard disk- relegate all non-essential information to existence on a
CDrom. I don't see why you couldn't formalise this organisation on a future
Mandrake distribution (but then I am as the two short planks, which is to say,

Em Tonkin

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