Greetz from Croatia!

I've installed MDK 8.0 on my computer. It look great. Even my Logitech USB
camera worked, but there is some problems with it:

-  I tried to change different themes in installation (those little
boxes in the corner), and it returned some error code....

- when using drakprofile&draknet, and if I put Gateway once in some
config, I cannot delete gateway (to do not have gateway at all), it
always remembers old one entered.... Bug in drakprofile or in 

Hope, all other works....we'll see! ;-)
E-mail: http://www.na.linux.hr/kost/mail.html   * Vlatko Kosturjak, KoSt
Web: http://www.k0st.com * PGP key can be found there too * ICQ: 3631122

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