
I upgraded to emacs-21.1-2mdk (from emacs-20.7) and I have some comments.

After the upgrade I still had the following links:
/usr/bin/emacs -> /etc/alternatives/emacs
/etc/alternatives/emacs -> /usr/bin/emacs-20.7

After modifying the deprecated link to
/etc/alternatives/emacs -> /usr/bin/emacs-21.1 I can again run emacs by
typing "emacs" at the command line.

But I don't understand how the /etc/alternatives work. If I type "emacs"
at the command line, I get an emacs window with a green background and
yellow fonts. If I type "emacs-21.1" at the command line I get a much
"nicer" window with a white background and black fonts. I don't understanf
why I have different results.

Could someone give me a pointer or a link for the behaviour of
/etc/alternatives? Thanks.

Denis Pelletier
Étudiant au doctorat
sciences économiques, Université de Montréal

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